Sunday, October 21, 2007

the veil is thin...

About a month and a half ago, during our Stake Conference, Ruby started getting restless and somewhat disruptive. So as to not distract from the Spirit which was present in the meeting, John took it upon himself to remove her from the chapel. A short period after they had returned to their seats, John leaned over and recounted to me what had just happened while he and Ruby had been out in the hall. In an attempt to calm her down he had picked her up in his arms and began walking down the hall and into the vacated Young Women's room. He wandered over to a picture of Christ that was hanging on the wall and turned Ruby's body so that she was facing the painting. Ruby looked at it, and immediately proclaimed "Sheshus". Her whole face, and especially her eyes, lit up when she saw Him. John was floored and couldn't wait to get back to tell me what had just happened. I was equally as floored especially because we had never taught her that before. Sure we talk a lot about Christ in our home as we strive to pattern our lives after His. We pray, we read our scriptures, we hold regular Family Home Evenings (but mostly after we've put Ruby down for the night), we even have multiple pictures of Christ hanging up in our home. So hopefully through example, we have taught our daughter some things about The Savior; but never before had we actually displayed His picture in front of her for the sole purpose of teaching her who He was...she just knew. All on her own, she just knew.
Sure Ruby is young and has a hard time holding still in church, and many times I don't think that she even comprehends what is being taught; but this experience witnessed to me that she understands a lot more than we give her credit for. It wasn't that long ago that she left her Savior's presence, and I have no doubt that the veil must be a bit thinner for her than it is for me. I am so blessed to have this special little spirit in my home. She has taught me so much about Christ because she exudes His light. In fact, in the very same conference she taught me another valuable lesson. A few rows behind us were sitting a father and his daughter - who looked to be probably in her 20's. This girl seemed to bear the weight of the world on her shoulders. She seemed sad, and lonely. She was wearing big baggy jeans, and a big baggy t-shirt. Her hair appeared to be dyed black, and was cut super short, except for the middle section - which was formed into a perfectly styled mohawk. Her makeup too, was black, and especially dark and heavy around her eyes. She had multiple piercings, not just lining the lobes and outer parts of her ears, but also her lips, nose, and eyebrows. I tried not to stare at her when I saw her. I tried not to judge. In fact, I was pleased that I made eye contact with her and then offered a smile. But Ruby, my dear sweet Ruby, walked straight up to the Girl - who was sitting on an isle seat, and put her little hand on the girl's leg, and then looked up while patting her leg, and said "HI" with a bright beaming smile. The girl smiled, too. I learned a lesson from my 15 month old daughter that day. I learned that to the Lord, we are all of infinite worth. It doesn't matter what we look like on the outside. It doesn't matter the decisions we've made in our life. It doesn't matter if we're rich or poor. The Lord is no respecter of persons. He loves the sinner as He does the saint; and we need to do the same - love unconditionally as the Savior does, and as little children do. It's no wonder that He taught us to become as a little child. Children are pure, innocent, without guile, full of love, and alive in Christ. That's what my Ruby girl reiterated to me that day...and, well, every day. I thank the Lord for her.

She loves seeing pictures of Christ now, and pointing Him out while exclaiming "Sheshus"! In fact, the other night, we were in an LDS bookstore, and she was reciting His name at every turn as there were several pictures of Him on display throughout. John and I were just beaming with pride.


  1. That is so precious! I have no doubt that the example you and John have set forth in your home has something to do with it. The video of her couldn't be cuter too! Thanks for being such a strong person and sharing your example. You truly are inspiring and more helpful than you likely know. Ruby's a lucky gal to have you and John as parents.

  2. She is precious. There is so much insight in those tiny little bodies.

  3. Oh, that made me smile! She is just such a sweetheart, Nicole. I hope I can set such an example for my children.

  4. Well, of course Ruby knows Jesus so well, because she has you and John as parents. :)

    I love that story.

  5. What a wonderful day when you can smile all around knowing that you've taught your Ruby something through example! She is going to be the kind of person everyone will want to have their kids be around! What a lucky gal to have such great parents!!
    Baylee loved watching the video of Ruby saying Jesus! She kept saying "more time, more time!"

  6. What a good reminder that our children are always watching and listening. And that we can learn a lot from them too!

  7. Guys... I taught her that when you weren't looking. Sorry to disappoint you. Jk, she's dang cute! I hope our little guy picks up good things too, and can weed through his father's sarcasm.

  8. Love it. A friend of mine gave me the idea of buying those cheap pictures of Jesus and put them in frames in Alex's room. One is above her changing table and after every time I change her she'll stand up and talk to him and then kiss him. She just gets so excited to see him at church too. How do you tell her to be quiet when all she is doing is screaming about Jesus?!

  9. your post again brought tears to my eyes. ava has also surprised me lately with her knowledge of jesus and her eagerness to pray. what special spirits we are blessed to have in our homes.

  10. This is, by far, the SWEETEST thing I have ever seen/heard.

    Thank you, Nicole, for sharing this -

    I've been struggling so much lately with feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, lonliness, and emptiness.

    And you're right - the veil is so thin, and Christ blessed us through others (especially children, as sweet little Ruby has proven).

    Ruby has two of the strongest, kindest, and most spiritual parents any kid could ever ask for... How could she NOT know about Jesus?

    "Out of the mouth of babes..."

    What a precious, choice little Daughter of God that Ruby girl is.

    I just can not wait to be a mother!

    Wow. That was truly humbling, inspiring, and uplifting.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Love to the Eaglestons.

  11. I love to hear the excitement in Ruby's voice when she says Shesus. It is so cute that she knew exactly who He is.

  12. Can anyone doubt that these were the MOST valliant spirits?! Saved for these days? Beautiful Nicole and John. Keep up the awesome work. :D

  13. I loved your post and it made me really be thankful for the little spirits we bring into this world. I know that if babies could talk when they were born, they would tell us so many things. Ruby is such a doll.

  14. That is so cute, Its amazing how close our kids are to seeing and remembering what it was like in heavne. We really do learn lots from them. She is so cute!

  15. Thank you for sharing that beautiful and spiring story, Nicole! Ruby is so precious and we can certainly learn from her!
    I'm so blessed to be part of the Eagleston family!
