Tuesday, September 18, 2007

what happened to the time?

John and I figured it out last night. It was exactly a year ago (to the very day, in fact), that we left Utah (John in the rented Penske - Ruby and I enjoying the advantages of air travel); and landed here...Mesa, Arizona. It's seems so crazy to us both that it's really been a year. A whole year. 365 days. What happened to the time? Where did it go?
When I was in grade school, a year seemed like an eternity. My and John's two year courtship, felt twice that long. Then of course, the nine months I carried Ruby, actually felt like three years. But, I've been married three years, and yet it seems like it couldn't have been more than 9 months. Could I really have completed high school in the same amount of time that I've been married to John? And has Ruby really been outside my body for more time than she was in?
The older I get, the faster my life seems to speed on by; and I often feel defeated by time. Cheated - because there are hardly enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I need (or want) to do. Yet there are still those days or moments when I feel like I have too much time on my hands. I don't ever find myself saying "Wow! Where has the time gone"?...as I'm sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office. Or during an intense cardio workout (that in reality, is only 20 minutes). Or when I'm waiting for John to get home from work. Or when we're in the emergency room with our sick little Ruby...For in the midst of these moments, I catch myself watching intently and waiting anxiously, as the minute hand assumes it's next position on the clock.

Alas time, truly an unfathomable essence...


  1. I so love this line: "Alas time, [is] truly an unfathomable essence..."

    Sometimes the way you word things is so poetic and it inspires me to write more, as well. (And I write for a living!)

    I was just posting a comment on my friend Margaret's blog; discussing the unceasing mystery of how time passes by...

    I can't believe it was a year ago since you and John left Utah. To be honest, it feels as though I haven't seen you two for years. Then again, I still remember getting the call from John about Ruby's birth and posting her picture on the fridge at the apartment I lived in last summer. Underneath the picture of a pink-decorated Ruby was "Ruby Christine Eagleston. My friend John's baby. June 4, 2006."

    I still remember receiving your wedding announcement, too, and thinking "Wow! Nicole is always so stylish." Was that really May 14, 2004?


    As the days pass, I realize just how true the axiom of "Constant Change" is... In many ways I am deeply saddened by the changes that have taken place over the past year , but I also recognize the bountiful blessings He has bestowed upon both my friends and me.

    God is good.

    Love to The Eaglestons,

    PS: How IS Ruby? She feeling any better? I hope so!!!

  2. PS: I would definitely say, though, that the past year has been (on the whole) a good one (especially since I received my endowments). I hope the past year has been a GREAT one for you, as well! :)


    (and you already have my skin cancer blog info. hehe).

  3. Nicole! I hope it's okay I found your blog from Teresa's... You all look fantastic and it's great to hear you are doing so well. As for time, now that my little Isabel is almost 8 months old I can completely relate to the fact that there is no rhyme or reason for time. I loved your correllation to Ruby now being OUTSIDE you longer than she was IN. I am quickly nearing "equal" time with my sweet daughter. Thank you for such sweet reminders!

  4. Nicole - so true!!!! Time goes by way too fast! I can't believe you guys have been here for a year. I have only known you for a few of the months that you have been here, but it feels like we have known eachother for a lifetime! I love you!!! Thank you for a fun McDonald's playdate- you made our afternoon so much more enjoyable! We love you guys!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sorry - somehow I posted twice!!! Oops! love you!

  7. I can't believe you guys have been gone a year. It really does seem like just yesterday that you were living so close and yet we still weren't taking advantage of it as much as I wish we would have. I love you and miss you!

  8. I agree. If you look at the small picture, yime doesn't go by that fast. But from the grand scheme, it flies by!

  9. what? you've only been here a year? it's weird how time flies and passes so slowly at the same time. that would mean that ava was 8 months old when you moved here and i'm pretty sure she's not old enough for that to happen... or is she???

  10. I was just noticing that all of the Ruby video clips are gone. Bummer! :(

    I still love that Vanilla Cream Rootbeer one - "Pweeze? Aahh!"

    I found the Christmas card that you and John sent, featuring Christmas Ruby (now that I've unpacked from yet another move). I can't believe how much she's "grown up" since then.

  11. Oh my gosh! I have no idea what happened to Ruby's video clips! I'll have to get them up and going again...shoot! Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Who knows how long it would have taken for me to figure out that they were gone!

  12. I completely agree with everything you said! Time truly is an unfathomable thing. I too look back on years past and wonder how it sped by so quickly...then I think things happen SO SLOWLY and I don't have the patience! I think time passes by so quickly for those of us who always try to see the good and to be completely consumed by our blessings....
