Thursday, September 6, 2007

an unrelenting ailment...

The past three days have been spent holding my little one close to me, stroking her cheek, patting her hair, offering any type of relief that my feeble mind could conjure up. Tuesday morning, as I retrieved her from her bed, I could detect in her mere emotionless expression, that things weren't right. Her body was hot. She refused even a taste of her rice cereal, a morning ritual, and one of her favorites. After we got John off to work, I took her back to bed with me and ran my fingers through her silken hair as her listless body lay next to mine. I checked her temperature. 102. I continued to caress her little body, wishing if only her words could communicate to me the derivation of her discomfort, of her pain. She became restless, anxious, irritable, whiny. I knew from her gestures that she was on the brink of...on the verge of...please don't tell me...oh no...vomiting! Those who know me well, know that I do not handle this kind of thing very favorably (it doesn't matter whose child it is). I have a weak stomach (inherited from my mother), therefore one could only imagine the trouble it gave me cleaning up such a compound. After stripping the bed, throwing everything in the washing machine (including our clothing, which was saturated), dousing the rest of the house in Lysol, and giving myself and my little Ruby a thorough scrub down, I had to reward myself with a pat on the back. For I had accomplished the unfathomable. The impossible. And I had done it all - by - myself.
This daunting series haunted me as I repeated the steps several times throughout the day, and into the next. Each time I cried as this unruly urge came over my daughter's helpless little body. I cried because she cried. I cried because I knew that she didn't understand what was happening to her and why. We were troubled because she wouldn't hold down any liquids, and after a while, refused even to sip anything at all. After making an after hour phone call to Ruby's doctor, we were told to take her to the emergency room. She hadn't had anything to drink in over 24 hours, and had only one or two wet diapers in the same amount of time. We feared that unless we could get some fluids in her, she would become dehydrated.
After four, long, wearisome hours at the pediatric unit of the Banner Desert hospital, it was determined that among other things, Ruby had an ear infection. Some drops were administered to numb the pain in her ear, as well as a portion of a Zofran tablet to control her nausea. Within a half hour, she was calmed enough to drink a few ounces of Gatorade. We were relived immediately, as the need for an IV seemed no longer apparent.
Today, she has made remarkable improvement, but is still exhibiting signs of pain and discomfort. We have her on an antibiotic for the infection, drops to momentarily dull the pain locally, and the Zofran, which will ease her upset stomach. I enjoyed more fully the time I spent with her today. Holding her in my arms. Patting her back. Stroking her hair. I enjoyed it simply because my soul wasn't troubled with worrisome thoughts. I was at ease knowing that my baby was going to be just fine. I had to enjoy the moment, knowing that before too long, she would no longer find contentment lying peacefully, and still in my arms....but rather, will be twisting, writhing, and squirming her way out of them...


  1. You are such a sweet and tender mother. I am glad that Ruby is on the mend.

  2. There's nothing worse than a sick baby. Glad she's feeling better, and that you survived too!

  3. Oh! That sounds just miserable...the whole thing...for both of you! Ear infections are the worst. Who would have thought such a little thing (like a sick ear) could affect your entire body?

    Here's to the little one getting well soon.

  4. Nicole, I LOVE YOU! This is Julie, John's 2nd favorite cousin. You and John are such sweet mothers. :) I love reading your blog. I miss you guys! Tell John hello, and give Ruby a huge kiss. She is unbelievably adorable.

  5. Sick kiddies are never fun! I'm glad to hear she is on the up and up! Kudos to you for cleaning up lots of throw up. Yuck! G has only ever thrown up once and luckily, we were outside!

  6. Cheers to you for overcoming your fear of throw up!! Cleaning up throw up is the pits and I really don't think it ever gets easier! Not to mention the endless loads of laundry it brings!

  7. Oh my goodness! I hope Ruby gets better PRONTO!

    I, too, have a weak stomach. I've always referred to it as being a "sympathetic barfer". You handled it beautifully - WHAT A WONDERFULLY CARING AND SENSITIVE MOM YOU ARE!!!

    By the way, did I ever thank you for that wonderfully tender and thoughtful comment you posted on my Blog? THANK YOU!!! I totally didn't deserve it, but it was sweet nevertheless. You'd definitely win out on a sweetness contest for sure.

    Oh, I have something for Ruby that I want to send to you. It's a children's book. I'll leave the explicit details out so that you, John, and Ruby will all be surprised BUT I will give you a little hint: "SunSavvy Baby".

    In the meantime...

    Take Care Eaglestons!!!

  8. PS: I think there's this poet in you that is just waiting to come out, Nicole.

    I think it would be awesome if you wrote a children's book full of poetic sayings and stories :)

  9. i'm so glad she's feeling better. she was so cute when she was trying to put her paci in her ear.

  10. Nicole,your writing is SO great.I love the descriptive words and the way you put your stories together. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Anyway, I am so sorry to hear your little one is sick. I too am incredibly wimpy when it comes to the throw up thing...YUCK! Glad to hear Ruby is getting better, what a wonderful mommy you are. That, is very evident!

  11. How sad. I hate it when my kids are sick. Poor little thing. I hope she gets better really soon.

  12. I am so glad she id doing better. She is so cute! It just kills me to think of how horrible she must have felt!

  13. Alex is just getting over a double ear infection (and one eruption) this last week! I wasn't going to take her to the doctor,since she wasn't showing any symptoms-besides being grouchy- but then she looked at me, grabbed her ears and told me "Mommy, ears hurt..." I can't believe how much easier it is to help them when they can talk! And I am so grateful that she is such a talker and not even two yet, and I'm sure it won't be long until Ruby can do the same!
    Best of luck on the road to recovery!
