Friday, September 21, 2007

just the two of us...

The past few weeks, John has been studying for his securities license tests, required by his company. So although he's here, he's not really here. I think if we were still "childless", I would be going out of my mind (and probably complaining a lot). But such is not the case, for now I have my little Ruby girl to keep me smiling...and sane.

Ruby misses her Daddy too!


  1. I don't even know how to express how much I COMPLETELY identify with that situation! Me and all my law student wife friends! (Try x 3 years though). There's actually a club at the school for significant others and spouses of students, simply because we all need to know there are other people out there who feel the same way we do. I guess misery loves company!

  2. So precious. She will love to look at those pictures of just the two of you someday.

  3. I was just thinking that if I had a husband who had to travel for work, I would probably now be "okay" with the situation with a little buddy at home. How lucky you are to have such a sweetheart!

  4. I was just thinking this morning "I'm so baby hungry! When is this 28.5-year-old gonna find a nice guy and get a chance to be a mommy?" and then seeing these SWEET AND ADORABLE pictures of you and Ruby.....

    Now, I'm super baby hungry.

    I just love that sweet little face...even when she's crying she's too irresitable. I'm sending hugs and kisses to her on over through cyberspace right now.

    Ruby has got two of the coolest parents on the planet.:)

    PS: I hope John passes his securities license test. (I know he will.)

  5. Just the two of us should be Baylee and I's theme song for all of fall!! I know exactly how you feel! We pretty much are thrilled at any chance we get to see Matt during football season!

  6. I love the picture where she is screaming and you are smiling...seriously...there is something totally charming about it.

  7. i love these pictures, nicole. both of you are so beautiful!
