Thursday, August 30, 2007

our weekend bourne-a-thon...

Last weekend, we were home bound due to Ruby's indisposition, therefore decided now was as good a time as any to begin our adventures with Jason Bourne. We had been dying to see the Bourne Ultimatum, the newest and latest, but had never even made it to the second one, and it's been years since we'd seen the first. Within the first few minutes of starting The Identity, John realized that nothing was even remotely familiar about it...come to think of it, that's right, we hadn't even met (or had just barley met) when that movie came out. I remember seeing it with Rania (remember Ra, I fell asleep in the last three minutes?)- had John really never seen any of these movies? We watched both the 1st and 2nd on Saturday night - back to back...and indulged our movie treat cravings with individual bags of greasy, buttery pop corn. It reminded me of the days (the pre-Ruby days), when it wasn't uncommon for us to actually go to the movies, and see two, (one time even three) movies back to back...
We finally saw the 3rd - The Ultimatum, on Tuesday night with our friends Mike and Steph. I had a surge of adrenaline pumping through my system the whole night...and maybe even an urge to go out and thrust a blow into something.
Love those movies. Love that Jason Bourne.


  1. aaahhh! we just saw the ultimatum last weekend... wasn't it sooo good?!?

    i can't believe john had gone all these years with out any of the bournes, they're like bryce's favorite movies! instead of renting a movie from blockbuster, you should just waltz on over to our house and borrow one. maybe we can do tradesies.

  2. I love Jason Bourne!! Those movies are the best. My husband and were huge movie goers pre Baylee too. I think that was our hardest adjustment to make when she came was to not go to movies multiple times a week and most often not at all!! Glad you got to indulge in the Bourne fun!

  3. Lynell and I saw "Ultimatum" last week. I thought it was great! (She did,too.) It's cool that you and your friends are not die-hard chick-flick, only, fans. (But remember when I watched the five-hour "Pride and Prejudice" with you?) Your sisters think I only like war and spy movies...:-)

  4. Ten minutes into the Ultimatum Phil decided he already wanted to watch it again! I feel like all the movies I watch are ones that either they are beating people up or blowing things up...or both!(I'm a very delicate person). I now have a hard time watching love story type movies...just not enough action! :)

    Shame on you John! How could not get to know the Bourne?

  5. I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan of the first one. The second was better, but shazam! I LOVED the third! So so so good! The fight seen with Desh (?) in the apartment was tantalizingly brutal and I just loved the whole thing. We actually got a babysitter and went to see it last Saturday. Movies at home are always fun, but there is just something so fun about going to the theater to see them. So simple, but genuinely one of my all time favorite things to do, especially if I have a super sized soda nestled next to me in the armrest. Yay! I'm glad you guys went to see it too!

  6. That is funny. My sister Lara said the same thing after seeing the last Bourne flick. I haven't seen it yet.

  7. Now you just need to read the books. I haven;t read them, but Steve has and he says they're even more intense!

  8. Nic, I remember looking over at you in the Bourne Identity and you were sawing logs. I couldn't believe it! There was so much action going on! How could anyone fall asleep! Anyway Clint and I had a Bourne marathon last week and just saw the third! It was pretty good!

  9. Nicole, last night was so much fun! Thanks for going with us! Can't wait to do it ya!
