Tuesday, July 10, 2007

who is bobby?

John and I have been pondering this question for some time now. You see, for the past couple of weeks, our little Ruby has been chanting "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby", over and over again. When she wakes up in the morning it's "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby", when she wants something to eat, its "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby". It's "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby", at the pool, in the tub, at church, while mom's on the phone... It's hilarious too, because she repeats it rhythmically and insistently, and even intonates the syllables. Many times she even clenches her fists, and moves her arms up and down (almost like she's pounding them on a table), so we get the full effect. We can't, for the life of us, figure out what it stands for, because she does it for virtually everything, and in any number of circumstances. It's really weird and strange, but also so cute and funny, I almost don't ever want her to grow out of it...Bob-by, Bob-by, Bob-by!


  1. hilarious... i love it when babies pick up on weird things like that. very cute!

  2. How strange. Maybe you'll never know where she got it. I jumped to your blog from Heidi's too...good to see that you guys are doing so well. Ruby is a doll! I can't believe how big she is!

  3. Do you have a video of it? I'd love to see it...

  4. I thought I told Ruby to be more subtle about who her favorite uncle was, but oh well.

  5. I think Bobby, Bobby, Bobby really means Grandma, Grandma, Grandma. It's a tiny bit similiar.

  6. how funny, they get these little words and just stick with them, some day we will know i think what they meant~

  7. I was going to say Uncle Bobby too! Good call Rob!

  8. So cute! George says "beps" for a lot of things (pacifier, blanket, and please) the only way I know the difference is because he also signs when he says please.
