Tuesday, July 3, 2007

tuesday, june 26th...

Before we left for Utah, Ruby developed a minor cough, which unfortunately escalated into something worse once we got there. It seemed to intensify at night, causing her (and us), some super restless nights. She wouldn't sleep in the pack 'n play we had set up for her, so that left no other alternative then to let her join us, in our bed. It was hilarious. In an attempt to find a comfortable position, she was all over the place. Several times, I woke up to her laying on my face, or across my stomach, or on my legs. John lay awake one night while Ruby's legs alternated kicking him in the side. Right. Left. Right. Left. After about two minutes of this, he couldn't help but burst out laughing. Finally, I had to get my camera, and document the craziness with some pictures.
These three pictures were taken within about 5 seconds of each other...

Now, I really shouldn't be laughing about it, because the poor thing really was miserable. In fact, we decided to take her to the pediatrician to see if we could get something to help her feel better. After checking her over, he determined that she had a cold, and an ear infection. I guess that explains why she was so unhappy on the drive up...
After the doctor's visit, we stopped in to visit my aunt Dorothy. I guess it had been since Christmas since we'd seen her, so it was really fun. We had a great visit. She gave Ruby a Green Eggs and Ham book and a really cute stuffed animal to go with it.

We met up with Kim, Christian, and Lincoln for Lunch, then Kim, Erica, and I got pedicures...

and finally, we went and saw 1408 with my family...scary!

Oh yeah, and how could I forget...? Ruby took her first steps today! What do I tell ya, it's always in Utah that she does something really big!


  1. I'm so sorry she was so sick - that is miserable. How is she feeling today? No wonder she slept so much last night and today! Those picts are so dang cute though!!

  2. I forgot to say....Yeah Ruby!!!!! She took her first step - that is so exciting! I love the toes too! So cute! We are so glad you guys are home! We'll have to play-as soon as the babes are feeling better! Love you!
