Tuesday, July 3, 2007

not sure where to begin...

We just returned from a fabulous, and very action-packed, vacation to Utah. We were gone about 10 days (two of which were mostly traveling). As always, it was very hard to leave, but it also feels good to be back home. Back to our normal routine. We rolled into town about 9:00 last night, and sweet John unpacked the car, brought everything in, and didn't even skip a beat. He immediately began unpacking, and putting things away - so that I wouldn't be stuck with it all today. It was so nice. Together, it probably took us an hour or two tops, and all I've had to do today is a few loads of laundry. Easy. While I've been busy with that, my sweet Ruby has been busy setting a new record. She fell asleep on the drive home, at about 7:00 PM. When we pulled into the driveway, I carefully unbuckled her from her car seat, and was also careful not to wake her while I changed her diaper. She only briefly opened her eyes, but went right back to sleep when I laid her in her crib, and guess what?...she didn't wake up until 11:00 this morning! Okay, so that's like 16 hrs! What's even crazier, is that within an hour, she was showing more tired signs, and went down for a nap at noon! It's been almost 3 hours! John and I feel bad, we must have really worn her out! Poor little Ruby...

I have a lot to write about from our trip, because as I mentioned, it was very action-packed and busy. I think it will be best to break it up into individual posts, but before I do, I have to share some pictures of something funny we saw on our drive home...

We were driving through the town of Kanab Utah, when John suddenly just burst out laughing. He did a quick U-turn, and showed me this...

There was a cop car parked on the side of the road, with a dummy cop sitting inside. We both thought it was pretty funny, so John hopped out to get a couple of shots...


  1. Was that to scare people into driving the speed limit? Hilarious!

  2. Oooo...it looks like all ya'll had such a fun time on your trip!

    I am sooo glad that you and John noticed this! That is so funny! There are few people I know that would actually see something like that, stop, pull over, get out and actually take a picture of it. I have to respect that. Seeing it does so much more for the story than words can!
