Thursday, June 14, 2007

my little parrot...

For the past month or so, Ruby has been mimicking (or at least attempting to mimic) everything we do and say. I think her favorite thing to copy is the tongue clicking thing. Whenever either John or I do it, she immediately starts up, and doesn't stop. She copies us when we nod or shake our heads, when we dance, when we laugh, really, you name it...and she copies it.

She's also been expanding her vocabulary lately. When we were at the pool today, I decided to test her to see what she knew. I started with "Ruby, hi", and she repeated "hi." I said "Bye" and she, in the sweetest little voice, and most darling little wave, said "Bye." I continued by saying mama, dada, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, please, uh oh, baba (for bottle), and so on...anyway, without hesitation, (and very clearly I might add), she repeated every single word to me. Definitely one of those laugh out loud, proud mom moments for me...


  1. She is so cute and quite the little talker. George never really got into the mimicing thing (I guess we aren't as cool as you and John) but is now starting to say a lot more words (thank goodness). She is just a little smarty pants.

  2. Thus the need for parents to be good examples, huh?

  3. I cant wait to see all of you and hear her talk. Your pictures are so sweet. I love to hear her say,"pwheese."

  4. i wish ava could say please... we'll have to work on it. maybe ruby can teach her when we go swimming!
