Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Camp Lo Mia...

I spent Sunday, Monday, and part of Tuesday up at Lo Mia, (our stake YW girl's camp). When first asked if I would be able to go up (and take over for the camp director, who wasn't able to stay the whole time), I was excited, looking forward to it, and committed to go. However, as time went on, I'll admit, I didn't have the best attitude about the whole thing. You see, I realized that Monday was Ruby's birthday, and I couldn't bear the thought of being away form her on her very first birthday! Saturday night I was bawling like a baby, and trying to come up with some sort of solution, excuse, or reason for not going. Luckily, I quickly snapped out of that! I had given my word, and committed to be there, therefore, I was going...end of story. I am so stinkin' glad that I went! The Young Women in our ward are beautiful, and fun, and happy, and hilarious; and, I'm glad I had the chance to enjoy their beautiful spirits. We did a lot of laughing, and a lot of screaming (there were tons of bugs), and a lot of playing, talking, eating, singing (Aren't those camp song ridiculous?), and some crying (we were, on more than one occasion, touched by the Spirit). It was a wonderful bonding experience for everyone that attended...but, especially, for me. (And really, Ruby had no idea that I was away for her Birthday. We'll be celebrating it this Saturday.)
Monday, we had our humanitarian day, where the girls (and leaders) worked for five hours, making dolls, balls, picture books, ABC books, blocks, and quilts, for children of third world countries. It was beautiful to see the hundreds of young women, working and serving, not once complaining, all the while happy...with smiles lighting their faces. They truly had lost themselves in the Lord's work. It touched me in a way that I can't even describe, and will forever have an impact on me.
I love my calling to work with the YW. They have taught me so much. They are young, and sweet, and pure, and forgiving, and full of love...everything that I desire to emulate. They are not only my young women, but they are my daughters, and my friends...and I love them.

Kailey and Allison

Kailey, Kareena, and "Gasolina"

Jenny serving watermelon

Me, Kareena, Briana, and Jenny, waiting for the buses to take us home!

Allison and Bailey (two of my Beehives)

Sweet Dara

Sis Hamula (YW Pres.) and Me (2nd Counselor), the two leaders representing our ward

Some of the balls and bears we made as part of our humanitarian efforts

The dolls...

all of the toys on display in the lodge (the quilts are in the background)

Bria, Ammah, Bailey, Allison, and Kailey...singing camp songs before dinner

Brianna and Kara


  1. Thank you for your inspiring account! It was touching to see the product of all of the girls' work, for children they'll never meet. (Ruby will be more blessed because her mother serves the Lord.)

  2. you have such great writing skills... great account of your girls' camp experience.

    oh and happy birthday ruby! i can't believe she's already one!

  3. Sad I couldn't be there it looked like so much fun! We had fun with Rubs while you were gone!

  4. That totally reminds me of me last year on Gretta's birthday. We had tickets to a Jamie Cullum concert up at the Montreal Jazz Festival for the day after her birthday, and my husband wanted to go the night before and sleep over. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving Gretta with a babysitter on her first birthday! I bawled every time I even thought about it! So we drove up the next day instead. I'm proud of you for keeping your commitment to camp. The crafts you guys made are so adorable!
