Monday, May 21, 2007


As cute as she is, John and I are pretty fed up with the way Ruby screams (and sometimes throws small tantrums), whenever she wants something (particularly food). It's embarrassing, especially when we're out with friends at restaurants, or in other public settings. As young as she is, I didn't think she would understand if I tried to discipline her. (Although I'm sure she realizes, and comprehends, much more than I give her credit for.) Yesterday, John and I, trying to enjoy our delicious Sunday meal, were interrupted by Ruby's continuous conniptions, (in an attempt to insure the satisfaction of her insatiate appetite). Needless to say, I had had enough! It occurred to me, in that very moment, to teach her, rather than to scream when she wants more, to simply ask "please". When she would start to scream, I would say (firmly) "no", and withheld her food from her until she would say "please". To my utter worked, on the 1st try! We continued practicing with her through dinner; and, this morning, during breakfast, she did great! She was pretty proud of herself for her new accomplishment (as were we) evidenced in the video.


  1. Wow! That is soooo cute! She is smart, and definitely ready for appropriate and careful discipline when it is needed. You two did a great job of teaching with positive reinforcement. She'll be a breeze to potty train!

  2. This is my favorite video! I love listening to her excitement!

  3. I am so impressed. What a good little girl! She has a sweet voice and as usual, she looks beautiful.

  4. Who could ever resist giving this little Ruby a bite of whatever she wants with her little please, and then her laugh. It is amazing how fast they learn. She looks adorable!!

  5. Isn't it crazy how we can get to annoyed and then we have a light bulb moment and realize that we just need to teach our child an appropriate response and everyone will be much happier. You did awesome and so did Ruby. She is so cute! George just learned to say please about a month ago and says it "pops".

  6. She is so cute! I have never heard her talk that much. So sweet!

  7. So cute! I love how excited she gets afterwards. It's amazing how they totally follow your lead. Gretta learned "moy" (more) before please, so it's been hard to transition it to please, but moy works, especially since she says it nicely and doesn't screech it.

  8. Wow, that is so amazing, She is such a good girl. We need to teach Ty to do that too, his biggest thing is he throws everything on the floor when he is done. Ahh and its always a huge mess! I get so tired of mopping up the floor everynight! So we will have to try it out. Good Job Guys! You are amazing parents
