Thursday, May 17, 2007

jewelry jackpot...

My friend Amber wanted to take me out today for my birthday (which isn't even until next Friday). We ended up at one of my very favorite places, Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall! There, we shopped, and ate, and let the kids play. The highlight, we both agreed, was the $1.99 jewelry display at Urban! We were seriously acting like a couple of kids in the candy store. It was so fun! Amber insisted on buying my stuff (as a birthday present), and even after my endless protesting, she wouldn't there you have it, my jewelry jackpot ($320 dollars worth of Jewelry, for a mere $30 bucks!) Yippee...and Happy (early) Birthday to me! Thanks sweet Amber, love you.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like quite the haul! Very cute. I always think I want to buy jewelry, but then I remember that I hate my jewelry box, and I wouldn't have room for more than what I already have, and then I start thinking about organizing and purging myself of what I don't need ... and by then, I've got a new project and I've practically forgotten what it was I was thinking about in the first place! I'm glad it's not that complicated for you.

    Happy Birthday!
