Monday, April 2, 2007

pittsy and jaims...

I know, it's been forever since I posted something new. It's not that I'm burnt out on blogging, or that I lack good, blog-worthy material. It's really because I've so enjoyed getting on my blog, and seeing (at the top of the screen) that sweet family picture, taken just one year before my mom's death. I've read and re-read the post about my mom (my birthday gift to her), and the beautiful comments left by my family (which have given me so much to think about). I've studied each picture of my beautiful mother, and basked in the memory that each one brought to me; and, to be honest, I really just wanted to enjoy all of that for a while. It felt wrong, moving on so quickly...

That said, this past weekend, John and I were privileged to have my brother Matt, and his wife Jaime, stay with us for a few days. We were super excited when they told us that they would be coming (we've been dying for some company since we moved here back in September). They are expecting their 1st baby (Simon) in about 6 weeks, so this was like their last hurrah before he arrives. Here's a breakdown of the weekend's events:

  • Thursday
  • 11:00 PM - Matt and Jaime arrive, and introduce us to their new little puppy... Puppy!

  • Friday
  • AM- we enjoy the morning and afternoon at home... visiting and playing with Ruby and Puppy.
  • 3:00 PM- late lunch/early dinner at Cheesecake Factory, and shopping at Barnes & Noble to follow.
  • 8:00 PM- movie Music and Lyrics

  • Saturday
  • AM- General Conference (both sessions)
  • 3:00 PM- yummy lunch at Paradise Bakery
  • 5:00 PM- guys go to Priesthood session
  • 5:15 PM-girls head to Scottsdale to hit the shops (Urban Outfitters and Anthropologie)...
  • 8:00 PM- guys meet us in Scottsdale for car show and Big Macs

  • Later- hot tubbing back at our place (the funniest part about this, was when Puppy fell into the pool... and I promise, I wouldn't be laughing if he wasn't OK)

  • Sunday
  • General Conference
  • BBQ
  • long...really long naps
  • yummy lasagna dinner
  • movie Pursuit of Happyness

  • Monday
  • 7:00 AM breakfast together
  • 7:20 AM we say our goodbyes; and Matt, Jaime, and Puppy, drive away...

I've really been missing home lately, so the timing of their visit really couldn't have been better. I hope they know how much we appreciate the sacrifice they made to come out, and, how much we enjoyed having them. It was wonderful to just relax and enjoy one another's company. It was also fun, for me, to see both of them with Ruby. They've always been so cute with her... In fact, I recall each of them fighting over her when she was a newborn. Matt would litarally spend hours holding her, and cuddling her. I just know that they'll be the best Parents! I am seriously so excited for them, and can't wait to see them with their new little one...

I love you Pittsy and Jaims! Thanks Again!

Matt with Ruby (3 weeks and 10 Months)

Jaime with Ruby (3 weeks and 10 months)

Ruby in Israel t- shirt (3 weeks and 10 months)

Just before Matt and Jaime left for Israel last summer, they got Ruby this little t-shirt. The picture on the left was taken just the night before Matt left. Notice how she is looking up at him, with so much love...she knows how special her uncle Matt is.


  1. Horray you've rejoined us! I missed you but understand the reason! Sounds like you had a blast! Can't wait to watch Roobs tomorrow!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful visit! We can't wait until we can come down, too!

  3. Thanks so much for the great weekend Nic. Matt and I were talking about what great hosts you and John were... So accomodating! Ruby was such a joy to play with, and I had so much fun shopping with you. Until next time!!

  4. I have been missing you. Lara and I both agree that you have the best blog ever and I love checking it each day. It was fun to read your week in review and I am glad you were able to play hostess to family!

  5. I'm not going to lie I was really starting to miss your posts! I kept looking online multiple times every day to see if you had written anything new. But I'm glad you left the one of om up for a few days because everytime I got on to look for a new one I would re-read the one about mom. Man I am so jealous of matt and james... those lucky ducks! I want to visit you more than pretty much anything! That's be so fun if Erica and I came down this summer... we'll have to talk to pops about that one...
