Tuesday, April 17, 2007

just catchin' up...

on the last week or so.

I watch from a distance as Ruby spots her reflection in the standing mirror. She rapidly crawls toward it, stands up, and while pressing her slobbery mouth against the mouth of the "other" baby, I hear a loud ummaah (kissing sound). She then repeats, over and over, while displaying a huge toothy grin, bebe bebe (or baby). Definitely one of those "laugh out loud" moments for mom!

Here she is again, snoopin' around in mom's night stand drawer...

Okay, I realize this shot is really blurry (she was moving around like crazy under there), but I couldn't resist...she fits just perfectly - under the kitchen table.

Uncle Terry (dad's older brother), and Aunt Lynda, paid us a friendly visit. They are from Oklahoma, and on a road trip. How fun for us, that Arizona was on their route!

Some of my favorite things are - 1) new books, and 2) packages. Well, here are my newest books that arrived, in the mail last week...happy day for me!

Saturday, I went on a five mile hike (more like a 5 mile stroll through the desert), with some of the Young Women, to prepare for girl's camp in June. Here they are passing off their fire certification.
from left: Kailey Porter, Cody Dobson (camp director's husband), Allison Melchin, Natalie Dobson (camp director), and Kareena Chism

...and these (from today), I just thought were cute. Ruby with her adorable friend, Nicole Garn.

How funny is that?! Nicole was obsessed with kissing Ruby...and I think Ruby liked it too (look at her face)!


  1. Cute pictures of Ruby! What are your new books? Looks like enough to sufice for a while! How fun!

  2. Wow, we were just there and Ruby already looks so much bigger! Those pics are so sweet!!

  3. Ruby has learned to many new tricks. I imagine each day brings a new surprise...like the diaper on the floor! I feel like I can keep up with these little darlings with the blogs.
