Friday, April 6, 2007

frosting face

We made Easter sugar cookies with frosting the other day (for a bunch of our neighbors), and figured It'd be fun to give Ruby the spatula covered with yummy, cream cheese frosting.(One of my favorite things as a kid, was when mom would let me lick the beaters clean after she had made a cake, or cookies.) It's quite possible that Ruby enjoyed it more than I ever did. Take a peek...

5 minutes later...(after licking the spatula clean).

Yeah, unfortunately, she's been throwing these little tantrums lately (where she bangs her head against the chair, or the floor)...generally, it happens just after she realizes that her food is all gone.


  1. That girl loves her food! I posted my recommended reading list after your comment about needing some new books. I need to get a list from you too. Also check out the list of books I've read this year...most of them are pretty good and some even made my recommended reading list.

  2. I'm almost laughing too hard to write this! She is a hoot, but John's "purring" or "growling" is even funnier!

  3. oh man that was way too funny! I agree with dad that John's purring was pretty much hilarious. It was especially funny to watch Ruby's face, she looked all confused. She's such a cutie. I really can't wait to see her soon. Matt and Jaime came over yesterday and said that they had so much fun with you guys and that Ruby was absolutley adorable! I think this summer we're all coming out to visit you because of the road trip we're taking but dad said that we could only stay about a day because that's all we have time for (which sucks). But I was talking with erica and I'm sure we could find some cheap plane tickets and possibly come stay with you for a week or so... would that be cool with you guys?
