Monday, March 12, 2007

88 degrees and sunny

I can't even believe the beautiful weather we've been having lately! The other day John and I were out and I started complaining (just a little) about the heat. He just laughed and said "oh this is nothing, wait 'til it hits 115!" Let's just say, for now, I'm happy for the 90 degree weather, and I'm hoping to be able to ease into the 115 days without much difficulty.

I took Ruby to the park with some friends, and enjoyed watching her react to the strange feel of the sand on her skin (something she's never felt before). I watched as she would sift her hands through the sand, grab hand fulls, drop it, then repeat the process over and over again. It wasn't long before she was bored with that and decided she wanted to eat it too! (She ended up with a mouth full of sand.) If it weren't for my protesting, I think she would have helped herself to some more (have I mentioned that my girl will eat anything?).

Ruby with her friend Nicole

Slobber Face

Wow, I can't believe that it's 5 pm, and Ruby's already in bed for the night! (The trip to the park must've tuckered her out...or it could've been our bike outing to the post office...or a combination of both!) I think now that she's down, I'll focus my efforts on my sickie husband. Poor guy has had a nasty sinus infection, which I'm afraid is traveling into his chest/lungs. We've had him on an antibiotic for 3 days now, that just makes him feel completely nauseous. I think we'll call the doctor and see if we can get something else for him. Oh John, I wish there was something I could do to ease your pain...I just love you so much, and hate to see you suffer like this.
(You know he's really not feeling well when he turns down an invite to the Suns game) does a relaxing night of "24" sound? (Is it possible to relax while watching 24?)

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