Thursday, February 1, 2007

skinny minnie

I've been going to the gym faithfully for a whole month now; and, I have to say, it's been been so discouraging to not notice any physical changes. Last week when I weighed myself, I had actually gained a pound! My clothes are as tight as they've ever been, and I still look like I'm pregnant (...and I promise I'm not)! Well, last night John and I were sitting on the couch, when he looked over at me and said this: "Babe, with your hair pulled up like that, I can totally see that your face looks thinner!" YES! YES! YES! (I know that while trying to lose weight, the face is typically the first area to get noticeable results!) Those few words were definitely what I needed to hear to stay motivated. Now, I know I'm no "Skinny Minnie" (just yet), but if you catch me in the right light, at the right angle, with my hair pulled face just might look thinner...and that's something worth Blogging about!

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