Monday, February 12, 2007

"please" and "thank you"...

John and I had the opportunity of spending the weekend with the Costello kids while Lori and Joe celebrated their Birthdays in Vegas. I have to say that those kids are a hoot! Not only are they hilarious(their silly/funny/profound comments had me rolling all weekend), but they are also so well behaved. Even their youngest, James (3 years), would politely ask, "Aunt Nicole, can I please have some milk in my sippy cup?" and when I would give it to him, he would always say "thank you Aunt Nicole". They never failed to thank me for any little/big thing that I did for them. I thought the cutest ever was when I put some Eggo's in the toaster for John, and little Amy ran over and whispered in his ear, "Uncle John, Aunt Nicole is making some waffles for you...what do you tell her"? (John made a big deal of thanking me after that cute little reminder.) I realized, after being with these sweet kids all weekend, how important it is (to me) that my kid's are equally as polite. I think that the true test is to leave them with someone else and see if they remember (and put into practice) everything they've been taught. Well, Lori and Joe passed the test...their kid's were absolute Angels!

James, Julie, Amy, and Ruby

James being so sweet with Ruby

Karen, Michael, Joseph, and John rode their bikes to the orange stand to get some sodas and candy.


I stayed home and baked sugar cookies with the three youngest. They had a blast frosting and decorating their own cookies!

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