Sunday, February 25, 2007

myriad blessings

Despite the agonizing events of this past week, I cannot forget the bounteous blessings from the Lord. As my dad reminded me in his email, I have a beautiful daughter, an amazing Husband, and countless people who love me. This love has truly been demonstrated this week through the many acts of kindness offered in our behalf...from the meals, to the cards, to the cakes, to the cookies, to the flowers. We have had countless phone calls and visitors as well...not to mention those who have watched Ruby for us. I am so thankful to be a member of the Lord's Church, and to be so privileged to know, and associate with so many outstanding people. My heart is full...

Flowers delivered by the two lovely ladies that serve with me in YW


  1. I couldn't help looking at your blog and trying to figure out how you did some stuff, hope you don't mind! It looks great- and completely restored, how exciting! Can't wait to hang out soon!

  2. The new features on the blog look great! I'd just recommend a lighter color for the "Comments", etc. at the bottom of each entry. The brown against the black background is kind of hard to see. But, I'm really glad you got everything back! It looks fantastic. And, our little "Doll" is so cute!

  3. Neet Neez! I hope you don't mind my exploring the blog. I think you've done a great thing in putting all your thoughts down like you have. They are really insiteful, and full of emotion. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you. Dot and I are praying for you and John.
