Saturday, January 20, 2007

what a blast!

The very best thing about our recent move to Arizona is that I’ve become so much closer to the other half of John’s family, and I really truly feel like they’re my family too. Last night I took Ruby to see Charlotte’s Web with Lori, Julie, and all of the kids. It was so much fun for me to be with my sisters in law and I seriously love all of my nieces and nephews so much. They are all just darling with Ruby and love to make her laugh. I know that even though she’s really young, she still loves being around her cousins and I hope that they can have great lasting relationships when they’re a little older. PS. the movie was super cute, (and didn’t fail to have me in tears)…isn’t Charlotte just the sweetest thing ever?!

Tonight we spent the evening and with Rob, Brooke, Ella, and Bennett. Ella, one day out of the blue just started referring to Ruby as “Rubes” and ever since, the nick name has stuck…they all call her Rubes. It’s so cute to me! After going out to eat, we took the kids on this carousel that they have at the mall. Ella and Bennett are frequent riders but this was Ruby’s 1st time. I decided to go with her the first time around (which turned out to be a pretty bad idea). The minute the thing started circling, my head started spinning and I thought I was going to be sick. Rob had to quickly take over my post while I took a breather on the bench. Experiences like this just make it more and more evident that I’m getting older. I can remember going on the Paratrooper ride at Lagoon (a ferris wheel type ride where the passengers sit in individual parachutes and the thing just goes around and around really fast for like 10 minutes). My brothers and I just loved loved loved it and we could never figure out why mom and dad hated it…well dad, I’m there now, and I completely understand. Anyway, I just couldn’t wait for the carousel to end (as I sat there with my eyes closed). John took Rubes the second go around, and they both had a blast! I watched Ruby clap her hands and squeal in excitement as she sat on the horsey with her daddy going up and down and around and around…such a tender moment. I must admit, it was more enjoyable for me the second time around… as I was able to observe from the side lines.
Thanks Rob, Brooke, Ella, and Bennett…we had a blast!


  1. I'm in agreement with the whole thing! It was a blast, and we love you guys too. What a fun thing to get to hang out whenever we want, it is sure a treat! See ya tomorrow. Nicole, you are more than a sister-in-law, you're one of my dearest friends.

  2. We call him, "St. John, the Divine"!
