Thursday, June 28, 2012

four months

what's the deal with me only updating my blog when my baby gets another month older? and this time i waited almost two months!  i've gots to get on the ball around here. it's hard to believe that another month (almost two) has come and gone, and that our little juder bug is already 1/3 of a year old! i took him to the doctor the other day and found out that he weighs 14 pounds, and is 25 inches long.  he's in the 25th percentile for weight and head circumference, and the 50th for height.  our little peanut is growing!  i still feel like the luckiest momma alive.  actually, i prefer to consider myself blessed.  jude is our little miracle, and i know it was through the grace of God that we have him here with and sound.  i'm still in complete awe.  i watch him while he sleeps, and often feel overwhelmed by his ginormous spirit.  he's a real person.  a tiny, perfect, and beautiful person.  a person who can't converse, but whose smile speaks a thousand words.  a person who can't dress himself, or feed himself, who is completely dependent,  yet has done more our little family than i ever thought possible.  our world revolves around him.  his siblings are crazy about him.  his parents are smitten.  i think everyone who knows him, adores him.  i mean, all one has to do is look at him, and he'll flash the most adorable gummy smile known to man.  he's happy, and lovable.  he smiles all the time, and his smile takes up half his face (inherited from daddy, for sure). he laughs multiple times a day.  he still loves to be held, and i love to hold we have a nice arrangement there.  i thank my Heavenly Father daily for the blessing of being jude's mother.  there really isn't anything more precious, more rewarding...than being able to partner with God in raising His children.  i am truly humbled and so very blessed.  happy four months, little Zuder (a nickname coined by your older sister, ruby).   i love you so.


  1. precious.

    emmi was telling me a story about you yesterday... she's really into telling stories lately. i'm not sure if they are dreams or if she is making crap up, but it made me miss you, terribly. something about you making hot chocolate and saying ya, ya, ya. hahah.

    love all the pictures!

  2. Couldn't help but notice that Asher wears his underwear does Tim. Love your little Jude.

  3. He is so cute. I am so glad we got to meet him!
