Tuesday, February 14, 2012

40 weeks

well after 40 weeks of waiting, and wondering, and worrying, and agonizing.
and 40 weeks of excitement, anticipation, anxiety, and trepidation,
we are happy to announce the arrival of our perfect baby boy...
jude isaac
monday, february 6th, at 11:37 PM
7 lbs 13 oz
20 inches long

after a week of holding him, and loving on him, and staring at his perfect little features...
i am still in awe of the miracle that he is.
that even though 40 weeks seems like an eternity to an expectant mother, it really is amazing that something so perfect and complex actually derived from a microscopic organism formed by the fusion of two cells,
and that in just 40 weeks' time, we are holding our perfect little human being in our arms.

he captured our hearts the moment our eyes rested upon him, and he will have us wrapped around his finger for all the days, and weeks, and months, and years, and decades, and centuries...
and eternities to come.


  1. Yeah!! Look at all his hair! So happy for you guys

  2. Look at that hair, just like Ruby's when she was a bubba. Congratulations guys x

  3. We are so happy for you!! Jude is adorable and we can't wait to meet him!! Talk to you soon!

    Love, Mary and Jack

  4. Nicole this is michelle j (heidi clarks big sis). I check in on you every now and then! I am so Happy for you guys he is So beautiful and well deserved! Yesterday I celebrated my babies 2 birthday! So bittersweet to me. so do me a favor and Love and cherish every second you have while he is so tiny! They grow way to fast.
    Hugs Congrats again Im sure a huge relief Michelle :)

  5. Yay! So happy for you and your fam! He is adorable. Congrats!
