Saturday, November 19, 2011

a day to celebrate

i'm probably the one and only,
but i had no idea that national adoption day even existed.
i should have guessed.
i mean, they have a day for pretty much everything, right?
why not celebrate adoption, too?
i know our little family has been blessed tremendously through the gift of adoption.
it's hard to believe that it was four years ago, almost to the day, that we received those impressions to adopt.
despite our fears and anxieties, i'm so glad we listened and obeyed, because i honestly don't know what we'd do without our little ash man.
he brings so much excitement, and energy, and exuberance into our hearts and home.
his life is definitely worth celebrating, and not just on one designated day per year,
but every.
for the rest of eternity, i will thank my Heavenly Father for leading us to our asher.
did you know that his name means happy and blessed?
well asher, we couldn't be happier or feel more blessed to have you in our lives.

we love you, little man.

happy adoption day.

ps. the above photos were in no way posed. i walked into the family room this morning, and beheld this perfect scene with my own two eyes. plain and simple, these two absolutely and positively...adore each other.


  1. Wow! I didn't know there was a national adoption day, either. Doesn't surprise me. It is a day to be celebrated. Asher is a doll, and I am so glad he is in your family. He is a very lucky boy to have you as parents.

  2. love this. can't wait to see a picture of all 3 of your munchkins together!
