Monday, February 7, 2011

just when i thought

the day couldn't get any worse...

that's my cell the microwave.

asher put it in there while i was brushing my teeth in the bathroom,
and when i came out,
the microwave was on fire.
i'm talking full-on flames here.
i swear, that boy needs around the clock surveillance.

my sister-in-law warned me after today's earlier post...
i've learned to never say it can't get worse, she said, it's some sort of evil jinks.

amy, i totally believe you,
and i promise to never say that ever again.

i've decided to send asher straight to bed...

without any supper.


  1. Oh my goodness Nicole! You are so blessed that your whole house didn't catch fire! Naughty Asher! Too bad he's so cute...harder to stay mad at!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS! I am so super Sorry.. Okay I really would have cried more for this then the cereal! Hey he is a Boy.. THEY GET INTO EVERYTHING, and every kind of trouble! Hang in there!

  3. That is nuts Nicole! Our 2nd disaster didn't compare. He just dumped about 4 shelves of books into the baby's crib while I was tucking Gretta in to bed (Mike is working late), but that's certainly no fire! I'm so glad you caught it in time!

  4. Nicole, What a journal entry! This is something you can hold over Asher's head for a long time. You know I think your dad can think of things he is laughing about now, that wasnt AS FUNNY THEN.I know I can. Love you and your family. Love, Uncle Mark

  5. Oh my!! I am so sorry. On a positive note, Asher just might become famous, or should I say infamous.

  6. oh no! lil stinker how is he good at climbing? no wonder you were not texting back last night.

  7.! That is crazy! What a smart little guy that he knows how to use the microwave. (:

  8. haha, you weren't kidding. burnt to a crisp!

    good thing, 'cause if it wasn't for him you wouldn't get a chance to tote that amazing orange phone around.
