Thursday, January 13, 2011

the great big world

Ruby came home from school the other day and educated me on the period (as in punctuation mark). She told me that Miss Arlene said that it was the tiniest stop sign in the world.
That made me laugh.
In the same sitting, she explained to me that Laman and Lemuel (Nephi's wicked brothers from the Book of Mormom) were the 'grumpy, bumpy brothers'- also something she learned at school, and again, something that made me laugh.
I haven't written much about Ruby and her preschool ventures this year,
which I totally feel bad about.
The truth is, I have been amazed by the things she is learning.
She only goes 3 times per week, for 2.5 hrs each, yet the amount of things they get through in a single day, blows my mind.
They've learned all their colors and shapes (even strange shapes like the pentagon),
and numbers and letters (by their sounds, not their actual names,
this will help them later on as they begin to read, which is happening now...I just attend my parent/teacher reading clinic with Miss Arlene).
They also memorize poems, study science, learn about different cultures, practice writing their first and last names every day, and bring home the most adorable art projects known to man.
And to top it all off, they are learning the scriptures!
During the 1st half of the year, they studied the Bible - old and new testament - ending with Christ's birth. Ruby would come home and tell me about Noah and the Ark, or Daniel in the Lion's den. She was especially distraught as she retold the story of Joseph, and how his brothers threw him in a pit, and then brought his bloody coat back to their father.
She told all me about David and Goliath, and Jonah and the whale.
When they came back from Christmas break, they began learning about and studying The Book of Mormon.
As a family, we read and discuss the Book of Mormon daily; and it's so refreshing to know that what we're teaching her at home, and what she learns at church, is being reinforced at school. Repetition is key to learning and retaining knowledge.
Plus I love all the exposure she is getting, and the many different teaching techniques that are being used on her.
I also love to see her little budding testimony take shape as it begins to blossom into something beautiful and pure.
I couldn't ask for a better program for my angel.
I know that this will provide her with all the confidence she needs as she ventures out into the great big world...

also known as kindergarten.


  1. what a great program, makes me wish i sent ava there.

  2. Who is it that does it? I am looking for Hayden next year!
