Friday, January 7, 2011

gathered 'round the christmas tree

A couple more Christmas pics for your enjoyment...

One of us all decked out in our snazzy sunday/holiday getups,
the other is of us in our Christmas eve pj's.
I sewed my pajama bottoms, and John sewed his.
Good times.
The kids are pretty tired in this pic.
It had been a long day.
We had had a fun dinner of holiday hors D'oeuvres,
and then our first ever reenactment of the nativity.
I'll have to post some video of that.
It was really cute.
By the time we finally got pajamas on, the kids were flat out, ready for bed -
in every way (do you notice Ruby rubbing her eyes? Both of them were completely exhausted).
We quickly put them down, so that the 'adults' could enjoy the rest of the evening
(which we did, I'll have to post some video of that too);
but John and I felt horrible when we later realized that we hadn't done any of the fun things we typically do with our kids on Christmas eve (i.e. putting cookies and milk out for Santa).
What kind of horrible parents are we?
Ruby wouldn't let us live it down either.
We explained to her that Santa actually helped himself to a few cookies that he had found the in the pantry, and then poured his own glass of milk...and that he was totally fine with that.
It was like a fun adventure for him...a treasure hunt of sorts.
That seemed to pacify her.
What was really sad, is that Santa's bells can usually be heard jingling right outside the kids' window, and his jolly HOHOHO's booming over the intercom for the children to hear.
But neither of those transpired this year.

Or maybe they did, and we 'adults' were just too distracted to notice?? Ha.

Seriously, what kind of mother am I?


  1. eh - santa schmanta.

    he gets lazy some years.

  2. nicole could your kiddies be any cuter??? i can't get over how adorable they are!

  3. Love the pictures of your family and your adorable kids!

    it's so hard for kids to understand death and where someone goes after they die. All you can do is try to be there for them and let them ask questions and do your best to answer them (which you did).

    We forgot to leave cookies and milk for Santa too. The kids must have forgot too, they didn't say anything about it even the next day. Santa doesn't need treats at every house does he? He'll soon be too fat to move.

  4. I think you are a wonderful mother too!
