Tuesday, June 8, 2010

little eskimo...

it's been so long since i've signed into my blogger account, i almost forgot how. i guess it goes without saying i have a lot of blogging to catch up on. sometimes i get so overwhelmed with everything i haven't blogged about, that i just stop blogging altogether. so tonight i convinced myself to just start with something...hopefully this will motivate me to keep on going, even if i sometimes get behind.

this past year has been an interesting one with miss ruby and her dance class. she has had a bit of a love/hate relationship with it. in the beginning she loved it and was a total ham. she used to ask me every morning mom, do i have dance class today? after each class, she would come home and show me all of her dances...practicing her shuffle steps, arabesques, and somersaults multiple times a day. however, about mid-way through the year - during the first 5 minutes of one of her classes - she came running out to me from the studio, sobbing. i couldn't get her to tell me what had happened, and still to this day, it remains a mystery. she threw a fit about going to dance for several weeks following this puzzling incident. it wasn't until my friend, diana, came and picked her up one day, and took her to dance class with her daughter, ava (who happens to be ruby's best friend in the whole wide world), that ruby decided she liked dance again. it's been off and on like this throughout the year. some days she would be be completely thrilled to go, and other days it was like pulling teeth to convince her that she loved dance and needed to go to class. all in all, it turned out to be a good experience for her.

for several weeks they have been preparing for the big recital show; and just last week, we were privileged to see the fruits of their labor. i won't go into much detail in writing about how absolutely darling their numbers were, or about how my heart melted every time my little princess wiggled her hips - rather, i think i'll just post the videos here and let you judge for yourself...

*in both dances, ruby is on the far left


  1. Oh my word, she looks so grown up!

    Kay, will probably sound weird--but kind of glad to hear she's up and down about stuff. My nephew is about 1 month older (I think), and he's been the same way...and still is. He loves matching letters...finding them and identifying them, for example...but hates writing his name. It took 6 months for him to admit his name starts with a W! He loves somethings--then hates them. Sounds like it's likely really developmentally appropriate though! He has a lung disease, so isn't arouond other 4 year olds much at all, cause he can get sick so easily...that sometimes it's hard to know that he's pretty much were other kids near his age are. So, good to hear Ruby's displaying similar behavior!


    Mary P.

  2. She looks so adorable and all grown up!

  3. what a fun night, huh? haha, i want copies of your videos, you had a much better view than us.

    i'm so glad ruby ended up in ava's class, it was so fun having them dancing together. i hope we can arrange that in years to come.

    love the dance pictures, ruby looks so much older, i can't believe our babes are growing up so fast!

  4. Darling, absolutely darling! My little Chloe is a dancer as well. She could care less about going to practice, she just wants to go straight to the performances and costumes. Cheers to the "Tiny Dancers" in our lives!

  5. She looks so sweet dancing around. Can't believe how big she is now. I love the part in the middle video where everyone is shaking their bunz and she is shaking the wrong way (towards everyone). So cute!!!

  6. George says that you look older than you did the last time you were at our house and that you look beautiful and that you did a good job in all your dances. I miss you Ruby! Love, George!
