Thursday, March 18, 2010

the toothbrush bandit

I don't know what it is with this kid, but he has this strange fixation with toothbrushes (and chap stick, and dog food...but today we'll just touch on the toothbrush theme). No matter how high I put them up, or how well I hide them...he always gets to them. There isn't a cabinet he can't scale...nor a surface he can't pull himself on top of. He'll go to great lengths for a chance to put his little paws (and teeth, and tongue, and lips) on our toothbrushes. He'll grab a handful of them and carry them all around the house with him, which totally grosses me out if I I overthink sometimes I imagine him swirling them around in the toilet, or using them like a brush on the dog's hair. I have no idea where those things have been. I guess what I don't know won't ever hurt me (unless I end up with e. coli or hepatitis or some other nasty bacteria). In conjunction with this somewhat annoying obsession, however, he LOVES to have his teeth brushed. So I guess I'll take the bad with the good, and pray he moves on to bigger and better things real soon... well, except for knifes. Asher please stay away from the knives.


  1. Ugh... Isabel used to do that and I would just constantly put them through the dishwasher. Good luck!

  2. My niece does the same thing!
    My sister has taken to having a collection for her all over the house--so she hopefully won't steal everyone else's. Usually works.

    Mary P.

  3. oh, em's loves toothbrushes too, but thankfully just hers. i always find her standing on the stool in the bathroom "brushing" her teeth.

    i hope she never finds mine.

  4. So cute...This post so reminds me of my little boy (who is not so little at 13years old) Snips and snails and puppy dog tails ....and your toothbrushes too!

  5. Oh my gosh ... ditto! Times a thousand. Isaac LOVES toothbrushes and it's one of the main reasons it is a hard and fast rule in our house that the bathroom doors remain closed at all times. And ditto with all the monkey-ness too. That kids climbs everywhere! I love seeing pictures of Asher - he's so cute!

  6. He is too cute! Isn't it amazing all of the things little boys can get into?!?!?
