Tuesday, August 18, 2009

hi, my name is ruby...

and I'm a good, good dancer.

Ruby had her very first dance lesson today. She and I have been anticipating this day for quite sometime now. I have always loved to dance, and although I've never been that great at it, dance has always been one of my greatest passions. I can tell (and could from pretty early on) that Ruby possess that same flair for music and rhythm...and is pretty good at expressing herself through movement and motion. I know, she's only 3, she's no superstar; but I can tell that there's something there...the potential to be great. My every hope and expectation was far surpassed as I peered through the large window, and caught glimpse of my little princess, who was totally and completely in her element. I watched her tap, and point, and gracefully move her arms in huge dramatic circling motions. She was beaming...and so was I, and it showed, because I literally could not take my eyes off of my sweetheart for an entire hour. I watched with pride as she followed instruction given by her teachers, and I could tell she was fascinated, and inspired by them. When class was over, she was eager to inform me that "Miss Jennifer was so nice...and she didn't even bite!" I noticed that Miss Jennifer had given all the little dancers a stamp; but before I could get close enough to read the bold "Let's Dance!" that marked her chubby left hand, Ruby was quick to inform me that it read "Hi, my name is Ruby, and I'm a good, good dancer!"

"Of course that's what it says" I agreed, "Because - yes, my sweet - you are a good, good dancer".


  1. Oh Nic she is so sweet. I love the pic with her tap shoes. loves

  2. How fun! Yeah for little girls and first dance lessons!

  3. oh wow, Ruby is looking so old! She looks like a little lady!! Crazy! I am so glad she likes to dance. I hope my girls someday want to dance too but of course I will support them in whatever. I tiny part of me hopes they are into something musical though. hehe.

  4. So adorable! I loved my first dance class too! And from all the "samples" in video you've put on for us to see, she definitely has something there (I still watch the one in the car...she's got some moves!)

    Mary P.

  5. So cute. I can't wait for recital time to come around!

  6. that last picture of her is perfect.

    what a good, good dancer!

  7. Oh, I already can't WAIT for the day my own wants to try this. :) Have I mentioned lately how beautiful Ruby is?!! Tou-ble, mom.

  8. great pictures. as always.

    i can't wait for emmi to start dance. she is such a girly girl she should fit in perfect!

  9. nicole me encanta verla a tu hija tan grande y muy linda ella tiene una carita muy dulce
    felicidades a vos porque una madre siempre se pone muy feliz con los logros de los hijos y tambien felicidades a tu hija ruby por ser una muy buena bailariana me encata las fotos te quiero amiga y estoy feliz por ti

  10. I have tears running down my face.... it seems like i was just there peeping through that window... and now I just peep out the window in the mornings as both mary and ryan drive off together to High School. Enjoy that time peeping through the window... it goes too too quickly!

  11. Ruby is so cute. I can just see her in there dancing her little heart out. I love that last picture of her!
