Tuesday, May 26, 2009

32 or 21?

Thanks to my very sweet, very thoughtful, husband - I had a fabulous 32nd birthday. It started out very early - I woke up at 4:45 am...(probably had something to do with the fact that I went to bed at 8:30 both Saturday and Sunday nights). Because I was awake, and couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to get up as do some things around the house. I hadn't been up more than 45 minutes, when I heard John's alarm go off. He had wanted to get up early to be able to wrap my presents and have them displayed before I woke up. I think he was a little disappointed to find that I was already up...and had been for a while. Since we were both up, and awake, he suggested that I go ahead and open my gifts. This hopefully explains why I look the way I do in these photos. You can tell from the bags under my eyes that I needed at least a couple more hours of sleep; but, despite my obvious deficit in beauty sleep (as evidenced in these photos), I was beyond ecstatic when I opened my gifts (also evidenced in these photos)...

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In the picture on the left, I'm opening my new collector edition of Victor Hugo's classic, Les Miserables. Easton Press publishes the most beautiful editions of some of the most renowned works of literature ever written. The books come bound in genuine premium leather, with 22kt gold accents along the spine. The pages are acid neutral and smyth-sewn, not glued. They are beautiful, and I was so happy to receive my very own unique edition of - in my opinion - a literary masterpiece, and one of the greatest stories ever written.
In the picture on the right, I've just discovered that John and I will be attending the U2 concert when they come to Phoenix in October! He also got me an expodisc (white balance filter) for my camera, which should hopefully aid in improving the overall coloring and skin tones of my photographs.

With all the birthday celebrating that's been going on in our home, Ruby is most definitely ready for her special day. In fact, everyday she asks the question, "Is today June 4th?"...soon enough, little miss.

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John all tuckered out...at 8:30 AM. I think he was getting me back for falling asleep at 8:30 PM on his birthday...

I also enjoyed a fun lunch with two of my sister's-in-law, and then a couple of hours at the pool with John and the kids...

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That night we got a babysitter and went out for dinner and a movie...


Our server at Outback paid us the best compliments...without even trying. She was going over the menu...you know - the specials, the drinks, etc. "I don't know if you guys are 21 or not," she said "but we have the most amazing specialty drinks..." (We explained to her that we don't drink, but would be interested in finding out what spirit free drinks they offered.) That was compliment #1...she wasn't even sure if we were 21 or not. So, moving on to compliment #2...rather than getting my traditional diet coke, and John his traditional water, we both ordered virgin pina coladas, and even got an appetizer - which again, we never really do. John jokingly made the statement to our server, "we're celebrating both our birthday's today, so we're going ALL out". And that's when she paid us the second compliment, or rather, the same compliment...for the second time. She said, "Oh, that's exciting! Are either of you turning 21?" Little did she know that I was ringing in my 22nd year...11 years ago. She died when we told her that John had just turned 30, and that today was my 32nd birthday. I told her that we both still felt 21, because that's all that really matters, right?


  1. sounds like you have taught john well how to celebrate birthdays. i'm so glad you had a good one.

    how funny about that waitress. i'm hoping i look as good as you at 32. i know cody will still look 21 at 30 but me... not sure about that one.

    and by the way... you look great in your morning pictures. i don't know WHAT you are talking about. you should see a picture of me when i wake up. good thing there are none.

  2. That IS all that matters. And besides, both of you really do look so much younger than you really are. And I agree with Natalie- I hope I look as good as you do when I'm 32 Nicole!

    So glad you had a fabulous birthday! Enjoy that Expodisc! You'll love it. What a fabulous gift- a collector's edition of Les Miserables. Seriously, one of the greatest books ever written.

  3. You guys are so cute and do look super young! I am glad you had such a fun day!

  4. Ella has that same swimsuit as Ruby, I got it a few weeks ago for $6. I'm glad you had a fun birthday, and sad I missed the lunch but we were out on the town with the kiddos!

  5. Happy Birthday to both of you guys. You are so cute together, and ya both look great!

  6. Happy birthday to the both of you!! You are such a babe. I remember the first time I found out our age difference and I about passed out. Your the best and you deserve the best. Love you and Miss you.

  7. feliz cumpleaƱos amiga me alegra que pasaste un muy lindo dia
    te quiero mucho

  8. feliz cumpleaƱos amiga me alegra que pasaste un muy lindo dia
    te quiero mucho

  9. Happy Birthday, Nicole! You guys always have the most fun! Seriously, you guys are the FUNNEST couple I've ever seen/met! Love you, guys! I hope you and John had great birthdays. (Kudos to John for the U2 tix and the book. What a great gift.) I can't believe Ruby will be turning 3 next Thursday. Crazy! She's now the same age as many of the kids I work with... Hard to believe how fast the time has flown by. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  10. what a compliment indeed!

    looks like you had a great 21st birthday!

  11. Happy Birthday Nicole! I am so glad that you had such a good day! You, of all people, deserve it!

  12. Wow, all three of you in a 2 week period for b-days. That's crazy. I loved the book gift. What a great idea to collect nice copies of great books. Awesome book and awesome musical. My favorite music of any broadway shows. There are a few songs I could do with out but for the most part.. Goosebumps from the first recording of the show back in 1990. Nothing like seeing it in New York too. Graddy Gammage was nice but Aaaah New York.

  13. Neither of you look a day over 21! Glad you had such a fun day!

  14. Are you kidding -- 21? That is old..... everyone usually thinks Nicole is one of the Young Women when we are out and about! NO LIE!!!

    Happy birthday Nicole! ..... and John..... and RUBY!

  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! And yes, Les Miserables is THE literary masterpiece of all time! What an incredible and thoughtful gift for you. I kind of want to see pictures of your new book (with your new white balance filter, of course...). Happy birthday, Nicole!

  16. I just remembered this post and thought - perfect! The perfect, most unexpected gift for Christmas for my husband - the Easton Press version of Les Mis - his favorite story of all time! He's the type to buy himself things he wants, but THIS, I thought, would be something he'd never think of on his own.

    BUT - they're out of stock. And will be for months. Huge pathetic sigh. Someday, it will be his. It's really such a great gift idea, I'm glad you posted it!

    I'm also hoping things are going well with you guys and your annoying friend "Spot". I hope he's not ruining the holidays for you!
