Thursday, April 30, 2009

tender moments...

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago. It was Sunday morning, and surprisingly, I had succeeded in getting both kids (and myself) ready - with time to spare - before John got home from his morning meetings. On a typical Sunday, he gets home from meetings; and while I usually have the kids ready at that point...I'm still in front of the mirror, half dressed, throwing makeup on, and simultaneously barking orders for him to stock the diaper bag, and let the dog out, and put the baby in his carrier. Yeah, it's usually a bit crazy on Sunday mornings at our house. However, for the past 4 weeks, we've been waking up (Monday-Saturday) at 6:30 am to exercise. I'm becoming conditioned to the early morning routine, so I decided to keep it going on Sundays as well. Although I'm not getting up to exercise, it's nice to have some personal quiet time to study the scriptures and pray; or just to simply clear my mind and be able to actually think...without interruptions. It's nice, too, because then we have plenty of time to get ready for church, and usually end up with extra time to enjoy moments like this one...

Because we were ready so early, I decided to just take the kids outside to wait for John. I went back inside to grab the diaper bag, and came out just in time to witness Ruby kissing and stroking Asher's head. I had to run back in and get my camera to capture the tenderness of the moment.


It just quite literally melted my heart...and still does, when I think about it.


  1. aw that is so sweet.

    what a great big sister.

    i love ruby's outfit too...

  2. sweet.

    i love it when babies grab the handles of their carriers... hangin' out.

  3. That's so cute! Those moments are the best! I'm impressed with your new routine! The last time I had a regular routine like that was oddly enough when I was pregnant with the little man. I really love getting up early! But somehow have a hard time remembering how much I "love" it when the alarm goes off at 6:25.

  4. moments like this make it all worthwhile!

  5. Don't you just love moments like that!

  6. There really aren't many things better than witnessing your kids love for one another.

    p.s. I love Ruby's headband.

  7. So glad you captured that moment on camera. How precious.
