Monday, March 30, 2009

blessed day...

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After waiting 7 long months, we were finally able to have Asher blessed in our ward sacrament meeting yesterday. It was such a beautiful experience for me to watch my husband carry our son in his arms...and then to listen as he presented him to our him a name, and blessing him according to the Lord's will. I was overcome with the Spirit, overwhelmed with love for my son, overpowered with a feeling of gratitude to my Heavenly Father for trusting us with such a special and noble spirit, and overjoyed at the circumstances which brought him into our life. A happy, joyous, beautiful, and blessed day it was.


  1. I can't believe how much bigger he looks since the last time I saw him. He is turning into a real chunk and of course he looks so very handsome dressed all in white. You guys are such a cute little family.

  2. congratulations eagleston's! i'm so happy for you guys.

    i love these pictures, you have such a beautiful family.

  3. Love these pics of you guys. Such a sweet blessing. I'm glad I was there to witness it. What a special day for you all.

    Asher is in my prayers. I hope he gets better soon.

  4. Oh yay, I was going to call and ask you if the pics turned out ok. You guys look great, I love the very first one!

  5. We are so happy for you guys. What a wonderful day for you. Have you taken him to the temple yet or is that next? How blessed he is and how blessed you are. Such a beautiful family...congrats to you all!

  6. What beautiful pictures! What a wonderful experience. I teared up a little just thinking about it, very special.

  7. Congrats to your beautiful family. What a memorable and momentous day for you. I love the pictures; they're perfect.

  8. Yay!!! What a great day! You all look gorgeous.

  9. Definitely most wonderful day!!! Congratulations!

    Mary P.

  10. Congratulations on such a special day! What great have such a beautiful family!

  11. I can't get over how BIG he is now! He looks so different than last time I saw him. Congratulations on his blessing, that is great!

  12. that is wonderful! what a gorgeous little fam!
    i love your's and ruby's bows! darling!

  13. Yeah what a great day. You guys are such a beautiful family and Asher doesn't look that small anymore.

  14. Oh, I'm so sad we weren't able to be there, but happy that you guys were able to do it. Asher is a sweetie and we are so happy to have him in the fam (and Ruby too of course). You guys look so good in those pix!! I'm glad things went well.

  15. it was a great blessing, and i'm so glad i got to be there to hear it.

    your family is beautiful. you should make some bows for john and asher. i think they feel left out.

    i hope asher's feeling better. call me if you need anything!

  16. congratulations! Can't wait to see you guys, you all look radiant. loves

  17. How exciting, congratulations!!!

  18. felicidades amiga por la presentaciĆ³n de tu hijo que gran oportunidad para john que tiene de bendecir a sus hijos
    yo recuerdo la bendicion de mi hija que emocion era para mi ver a mi esposo bendiciendola a su hija eso me trae como madre y esposa gran felicidad gozo no se como esplicarlo lo que senti
    felicidades por todos tus logros con tu familia eres una personita muy bendecida por tan hermosa familia tus hijos son bellos

  19. Beautiful testimony that day Nicole. You have a talent for words.
