Wednesday, February 4, 2009

he may be average on the charts...

but he's beyond EXTRAORDINARY to me!


Asher had his 4 month well-check today (even though he's closer to 6 at this point...oops). Last time we had a routine check-up (right before Christmas), he was very low on the charts for his weight. In fact, over Christmas, some loving family members told us that they thought Asher was showing signs of malnourishment...extremely thin arms and legs, protruding ribs, bloated belly. I guess because the weight loss was happening so gradually, and also because we see him on a daily basis, lack of nutrition wasn't something we had even considered. Yes I knew he was thin, but I just thought it was a cute thin. Never had I considered it to be a dangerous thin until, thanks to our doctors and concerned family members, it was finally brought to our attention. And that's when I really started to worry. It was then that we began praying like crazy, and also fasted for our little boy. And that is when we started seeing the miracles take place. I know that our loving Heavenly Father is aware of us and is always there to help us, if we exert the faith necessary, and if it be in accordance to His will. Even though our son's acid reflux was as apparent as ever before, he began chunking up right before our eyes. This was not a gradual occurrence either...he was literally gaining ounces, and pounds, in a matter of just a few days. In fact, over the two weeks that we stayed in Utah, he gained a total of three pounds! He hadn't even gained that much since birth, and he was already 4 1/2 months old! Our doctor told us that at 4 months, babies are expected to have doubled their birth weight. Now, I realize that Asher was a HUGE baby, but he had only gained two pounds by the time he had reached the 4 month mark. So can you see how significant those three pounds in two weeks was to us? It was amazing.
Today, nearly a month later, Asher weighs 16 lbs, 11 oz - 6 pounds above his birth weight...putting him in the 50th percentile. He's also right in the average zone for his head circumference and height. And while I'm on the subject of good news...he's finally in a size two diaper...hooray for big buns!

Probably his favorite thing right now, is his exersaucer. Check out this video of him playing in it for the first time...

The mirror is probably his favorite feature...



  1. Yea! A smile!! And Yea for weight gain.

    My nephew has NEHI, which is an interstitial lung disease. He uses so many calories breathing that weight gain has always been an issue of his as well. He's 2 (will be 3 in April), and probably weighs about 26 lbs. His little sister is about 8 months old, and already weighs about 17-18 lbs. They're afraid she's going to out-weigh him soon! Luckily, on oxygen 24/7 he usually gains--but still really slowly. Not gaining enough is certainly scary--so glad Asher is chunking up!

    Mary P.

  2. He is so cute. I love the video of him and am so glad he is finally gaining weight!

  3. haha. i love your 'hooray for bug buns!'

    i love the picture of him looking in the mirror. you are SO talented!

    and yay for asher gaining a few pounds like the rest of us do around the holidays!

  4. i meant big buns... not sure what bug buns are... ahahahaha

  5. yay, that's fantastic!

    i can't believe he is still in size 2 dipes... think of all the money you're saving!

  6. That is too cute, Roman doesn't really move in his except he turns in circles. I am about to put Roman in size 3's, he has some seriously rollige around his thighs and I feel like the 2's are getting really snug. I still have some left over from Bennett, so that will be good! We had fun seeing you today! Let's do Lori's tomorrow for sure...if you're up for it!

  7. He does look so much bigger than when we saw him at Christmas! His face has filled out a lot and is so cute! The spit-up is the worst part of the excersaucer! (Did I tell you we have the same one?) I wish you could remove the cloth seat to throw it in the wash! (Let me know if you figure out how...) Ours has been spit on sooo many times ... yuk!

  8. He looks so good! I can totally tell he has filled out since Christmas! Prayer and faith - a powerful combination...
