Monday, November 3, 2008

we followed the yellow brick road...

We had been planning this probably since last halloween; and literally this is all Ruby has talked about for the past two months. We were able to get her really excited about her costume by telling her that it was a very special tin man cinderella outfit. That totally did the trick, and everywhere we go, she tells everyone we meet that, "Ruby is gonna be tin man, and Asher's gonna be lion...rrroaaar, and momma's gonna be dorofy, and daddy's gonna be scarecrow." And even still, in her daily prayers, she makes sure to tell Heavenly Father what we are all going to be. I wonder if she realizes that the fun is all over...

well, at least for another 360 some odd days.

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I told Ruby that she was going to be the prettiest Tin Man Princess the world had ever seen...and she was.

My handsome Scarecrow.

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By the end of the night, we had a grumpy tin man and a really tired lion on our hands.

Our cute niece, Allison, popped in this picture with us...she was the sassiest little witch ever.

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I couldn't believe how happy our little lion was. Everyone kept telling me that he was probably burning up in that costume (because here it still gets up in the 90's every day). Believe me, if he was burning up, he would have made it known. He was actually perfectly content and happy all night long! We were loving it.

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Any guesses as to why I was so captivated by these...?


  1. You guys could NOT look any cuter! I love it!

  2. You guys look awesome and that is the cutest lion costume I have ever seen!

  3. That might be the cutest family costume I have ever seen! I mean you even have TOTO!

  4. Nicole you always put together the best Halloween costumes. Everyone looks great. I am pretty sure there is no way I could get Trav to dress up so way to go John!!!

  5. i can't really tell if you like halloween or not. you guys went all out. and i can't believe ruby let you paint her face...every bit of it.

    and i CAN NOT believe what asher swallowed. man!

  6. your cosutmes put ours to shame! haha. very authentic.

  7. You guys looked great!!!!!! Love the one with sparky in it!

  8. haha, isnt the Dog named ToTo? ha! Ok, you (by far) had my favorite costumes I have ever seen! Im glad Asher was so happy all night! He is so cute and tender. I love it.

    and I second Teresas comment... Way to go John!!

  9. Yeah you guys did have the best costumes, hands down. So put together (but should I expect any less? :)

    And no, you haven't been a horrible friend lately Nicole! I know you've had a ton going on, so no worries. I've been totally out of it too (October was surprisingly hectic for us!).

    I've been meaning to call you lately to see how you guys are doing, but everyday I somehow forget. I don't think I've even made it to playgroup for over a month. We'll talk soon. Love you.

  10. How darling! You are always soooo creative! Your little lion is soooo dang cute and your "tin man princess" most definately wins the crown =)! Seriously- you guys would have won the "best dressed" Halloween costumes... if the "trunk or treat" had one =)! Good luck getting ready for your trip! You will be missed!

  11. Oh my goodness, you guys are darling!

  12. Oh, my GOODNESS!!! I guess I haven't checked your blog in a few days... As always, LOVE the family theme. You never disappoint. :) And I absolutely love that you all dressed up for photos in all the days leading up to Halloween! Love you and your beautiful family!

  13. Cutest thing I've ever seen. I love it!

  14. Wow Nicole, those are the cutest costumes and the most priceless pictures. Did you make all of that yourself? I am so impressed and just wish we could have been there to join in the fun. You all look AWESOME.

  15. cute cute cute. You guys looked great!

  16. Oh my gosh, you guys are so cute! LOVE your costumes!

  17. Okay -- I am cracking up at Brooke calling the dog "sparky"....You guys looked great! Then again, you guys could dress up in paper bags and look smashing!

  18. You guys are the best Wizard of OZ I have ever seen! WOW!

  19. Oh my gosh, those are the cutest costumes! That is hilarious; and Dix-d fits right in too! I haven't looked at anyone's blogs in a long time so I'm just now catching up.
