Sunday, November 30, 2008

some more boston...

Although a lot has been going on lately - (Dix-D's housebreaking woes, Thanksgiving, Judy in town, Asher's 1st entire day without spitting-up, Twilight with the girls, selling half my wardrobe, decorating for Christmas, Asher's 3rd ear infection, Ruby's prolonged incorrigibility...etc, etc, etc) - I feel I can't move forward until I've finished documenting our Boston trip. We had such a fabulous time, and I fear if I don't write it down, that it will eventually become a blur on account of my less than perfect memory.

Because of it's place at the forefront of American history, the city - naturally - abounds with museums and monuments...memorials, exhibits, and fascinating historical sites. There is so much to do and see, and although we did and saw a lot, we didn't even skim the surface.

Everyday we had something on the agenda though, and even though there were things we wanted to experience, but weren't able to (Martha's Vineyard, for one), I still feel like we were able to do so much...

Friday - Full day of travel

Saturday - Newbury Street, Boston Common, Public Garden, Freedom Trail, Quincy Market, Mike's Pastry

Sunday - Church with Aaron and a delicious pork roast dinner (made by Dorothy).

Monday - We headed over to Cambridge to take a stroll around Harvard Square. We first got something to eat at a yummy burger joint called Flat Patties, and then set out to do some shopping. We ended up spending a good portion of the night - escaping from the cold and biting wind - in the basement (sale section) of the Urban Outfitters...where we did some serious shopping. Before heading home for the night, we treated ourselves to the some of the richest hot chocolate I have ever tasted. I wish I could remember the name of the cute little cafe that sold it to us...but it was seriously like drinking a melted chocolate bar...nothing short of divine.

Tuesday - Plimoth Plantation...and on Tuesday night, we were lucky enough to take a drive up to New Hampshire. John was scheduled to give a presentation at a law school, and I was privileged to finally meet - in person - one of my favorite blogging friends, Melanie. She and John have known each other since their freshman year at UVSC, and have maintained a friendship all these years. I have gotten to know her and her sweet family, just over the past year or so, and only through blogging. I just love her and am so glad that we were finally able meet...face to face. Ruby and Gretta totally hit it off, dancing on the coffee table, and singing songs, while Michel accompanied them on the guitar. We were supposed to stay the night at their place, but Ruby was starting to come down with a cold, and Asher's poop filled diaper (which was long overdue for a change), had seeped through his pants, and then traveled up his back, through his three shirts, his really thick red coat, and onto his infant carrier. It was a rough night - to say the least - so we decided to just head back to Boston. On our drive home, Ruby couldn't stop raving about "how cute that little Gretta girl was", until she finally drifted off to sleep.

Wednesday - We took a trip out to see the U.S.S. Constitution. We first browsed through the museum, which was alright...or in Dorothy's words "kinda coo, kinda foo", but we were really excited to see the "Old Ironsides" itself. One of the museum workers told us to that there was actually a tour starting in 10 minutes, and to "head outside, go around to the back of the museum, and to the end of the dock". We followed his erroneous instructions, and ended up in line for a boat transit of some sort. So, after getting correct directions from a local, we ran as fast as we could (pushing babies in strollers) back to the opposite side of the museum, and to the other end of the navy yard - with just minutes to spare - for our tour of the...U.S.S. Cassin Young? What? But where was the Old Ironsides?

Me and Ruby after touring the U.S.S. Cassin Young shipyard

A Cassin Young employee pointed it out to us, so we took off running, once again - strollers and kids in tow - arriving precisely at 3:00, only to find that U.S.S. Constitution was closed to tourists for the day. Ha ha...well at least we were able to get in some serious exercise...and if that wasn't enough (exercise, I mean), well our next activity, let's just say, I paid for, for days! By the time we got to the Bunker Hill, I had had enough cold for one day, and decided to stay in the car with Dorth and the kids while John explored the monument himself. He returned about 20 minutes later, completely out of breath, but also totally enthused about his venture up the monument's 294 stairs. 294 stairs? That's nothing, I thought. I'll bet I could run the entire way up without having to stop even once to catch my breath. Oh boy, was I ever mistaken! I started off sprinting up the stairs, and by the time I reached #75, I was about to kill over. I should've stopped and turned around there, but my pride got the best of me and I continued upward...however, not without a weighty struggle. By the time I reached the pinnacle, I was so consumed with holding back the urge to vomit, that I couldn't even enjoy the amazing vistas that are presumed to make the journey worthwhile. I gripped the handrail the entire way down, as I expected my legs to give out right from under me. I was sore for days to follow, and had a strange cough, which I think was a result of pushing myself too hard in the subfreezing (at least that's what it felt like to me) air. (I think I hear the gym beckoning my return...)
That night, we ate the most de-lish Chicago-style deep dish pizza at a place called Uno, and then concluded the action-packed day by visiting the Museum of Fine Arts, acknowledged as one of the most comprehensive art museums in the world.

Thursday - was not quite as eventful, but we did hit up a place called Building 19 - a chain of discount stores in New England. Ever since Ace and Dots moved to Boston, they have heard things about we decided to check it out. For me and Aaron, it was a bit reminiscent of our childhood and some of the places we used to frequent with our mom and grandma, ie. Jobbers Odd Lot and Pick 'n Save. Basically it's a huge warehouse full of junk...but if you dig long and hard enough, you can find some real treasures. I found some great kids' books, a darling food and water dish for Dix-D, and some clothes...all for under $30. We laughed that we had driven so far, and in so much traffic, to shop at a place whose motto is "Suffer a little, Save a lot" about self-deprecating.

Friday - We attended the New England Aquarium located at Central Warf, and then viewed Wild Ocean 3D at the adjacent IMAX Theatre. It was really good, but of course, Ruby wouldn't hold still. We were sitting at the very back of the theatre, and she would occasionally pop up out of her seat, walk to the end of our row, down to the front of the theatre, across (and in front of the screen) to the other side, and then back up to the top, down our row again, and to her seat. She repeated this process probably 3 or four times...I was tired of the fight, and because I was also in the middle of feeding Asher, I just relented and allowed her some freedom. With John's absence, I felt like I had no other alternative, and am just grateful that at lest she was quiet.
That night we decided to take a drive out to the Honey-Pot Hill Orchards, for (according to Aaron) some of the best cider donuts you'll ever taste. The farm was a ways away, and with traffic, it seemed even further. It felt like we were in the car for hours. When we finally arrived at their store, we were happy to see a lighted Open sign in the window, despite the deficiency of cars found in the parking lot. However, upon entering, we were told that they were sold out of donuts. What? We had traveled an hour and 1/2 for one of these delicacies, and they were sold out? The clerk felt sorry for us, so she offered us some hot apple cider on the house, after which we each purchased a caramel apple, and headed out for the long haul home.

Saturday - The weather was a bit gloomy and rainy, however, very warm, making a stroll through the heart of the city quite delightful.

Me and the Sleeping Ruby in front of the Trinity Church

We shopped at H&M, and then browsed some stores at the Prudential Center Mall. Before heading home for some take-out and movies, we caught the elevator to the 50th floor, and glimpsed the amazing view of the entire best we could without paying for the tour :)

Sunday - Another full day of nightmarish travel.

So there you have it...10 days of travel, and a life-time of memories...packed into one blog post.


  1. Ha ha! I did those stairs in June, and there's no way I would've tried to sprint up them! What a great trip! I'm so happy you got the opportunity to go. We went three different times to see the U.S.S. Constitution and found the tours closed for the day, or otherwise unavailable, until the last time, when we finally got in! It was worth it. It's a great tour, but then again, you can't do everything in just a week. Sounds like you did a lot of wonderful things, though.

  2. I can't believe how much you were able to pack into your trip. Oh and I am sad I don't live closer so I could get first dibs on the clothes you sold :)

  3. Sounds so fun! I love love love traveling and can never get enough of it. So glad you had a chance to go and cross it off your life list! And seriously you are one fashionista!! You always look so cute, as does all your family.

  4. Your plight in NH was only exacerbated by my dumping Ruby's water into Asher's already dirtied car seat! Oops! Still sorry...

    It was truly so fun to watch those girls dancing on the coffee table. I've been busy and unorganized as of late, so I promise to get you the pics, but that promise lies under my "someday" category. Make that the "someday relatively soon" category. Glad you guys came!

  5. i'm exhausted.

    what a fantastic trip, and you look great in all of your trip pics!
