Monday, August 4, 2008

let's go on a trip...

I snapped this shot a couple of weeks ago. Ruby had climbed inside of this giant basket and then proposed something rather unexpected..."let's go on a trip, mom and dad!" she declared.

My dear Ruby, how I would love to take you to see the whole wide world...but for now, all I can offer you is an oversized wicker basket in which to sit and make believe.

One day we shall see it all...


  1. She has grown up since the last time you posted. Seriously, she is starting to get a little girl face...She must be ready for a little brother :)

  2. She is so cute! I can't wait to see her soon!

  3. I have missed your blogs. I have also missed seeing little Ruby on Sundays. She is just so precious. I just love being able to be a mom. I can't wait to see pictures of the new addition...any names?

  4. She's just so beautiful! And she's growing so fast. She's not a baby anymore, rather a little girl. What a gem!

  5. Wouldn't it be great if we all had a magic carpet that let us go anytime we want!! She is gorgeous. I love how you did her hair! So cute!

  6. Let's go on a trip! Oh how cute. Kids say the cutest and darndest things sometimes. But hey, you guys are going on a trip quite soon! So exciting! And she will no doubt be such a wonderful older sister. I'm jealous that she's potty trained now!...

  7. I agree with Ruby. Let's go on a trip. Or mabey I should just find a wicker basket big enough to hold me and pretend. I can't wait to see you guys.

  8. that girl cracks me up. i love her!

  9. Ruby is getting so big! I haven't seen you guys in a while. Did you make it to sunsplash with Amber? We had ear infections that day...bummer! I'm so excited for you new little addition!

  10. I. Love. Ruby.
    I've missed your blogs and the cute pictures of your little girl. I've also been thinking a lot about you and John and for the new little boy coming to your home, and I am extremely excited for you. Best wishes, please keep us informed and we love you!

  11. Hey, I've been thinking a lot about you guys this last little while and want you to know we love you. I'm also curious about how Ruby is doing these days and how she is recovering. When you get a chance I'd love to hear how she's doing. Love ya.

  12. How sweet. If only it were that simple, right?

  13. She is such a doll and sounds like she is so smart! I wish I could meet her in person!

  14. You are the best mommy! We love you! Thanks for a fun day! I know it was a little rough for Ruby! I am soooo sorry! Thanks for coming along with us. She is such a sweet little girl and is soon to be the best big sister! We can't wait to hear the news! Love you!

  15. John, Nicole and Ruby -

    I've been checking this EVERY DAY waiting to hear about the Baby! I hope he comes soon, and that's he's perfectly healthy! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all the details.

    Lots of love! Y'all are in my prayers!

  16. I am getting a little anxious for some news! If it isn't too much to ask, we would love to see you guys while you are here!

  17. Just wanting to let you know...we are thinking about you and praying for your family at this time! We can't wait to hear the news and see your sweet little guy!!! Have a wonderful time in Utah with family and friends!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

  18. John, Nicole, and Ruby:

    We've been thinking about you so much lately! I can't wait to hear the big news. Everyday we think about you guys a lot. Know that you are in our prayers and we love you lots.

    Nicole, I'm so sorry I never came over or called to see that bedding. I've been dying to see it, but completely spaced it before you left.

    Love you guys and can't wait to see you again and your sweet little baby boy.
