Thursday, July 10, 2008

who couldn't use a little more of this?

I love having a blog. I love the freedom it allows me to just be me. This is my own little space, my own little platform, to talk about whatever I want. I can complain if I want to (although most the time I choose not to...not here at least), I can express my fears and my sorrows, or the things that bring me the most joy and happiness. I love to express my feelings about my faith and my Savior because those things make up a big chunk of who I am. Here I can dote on my daughter as much as I want to, and I can brag about all the fun we have together, too. Really, if it's on my mind (and appropriate to share)'ll probably find it here, on my blog.

Today I think I'll use my blog to do some plugging for John. One of the things that I admire most about John is his work ethic. When I first met his mom, she began telling me how John, ever since he was a small child, has always put 110% into everything he does. It didn't take very long for me to find that out for myself. Whether it's his calling at church, or his role as a husband and father, or even if he's just playing on a softball league...John puts his all into everything he does. I've been so proud of him since we made this move to Arizona. I know it's not easy to start over in a completely foreign industry; but we felt good about this particular career change, even if it meant having to move away from everything that we knew and loved in Utah. It's been almost two years since John began working with his dad and brother in the insurance business; and honestly, I couldn't be more proud of the things that he has learned, and the way in which he has contributed to building up the business, and providing for our family.

Recently, John was responsible for implementing a new product that is awesome for anyone thinking about getting pregnant. Basically, it's supplemental coverage that helps you pay for what your primary (and secondary) health plans don't cover. This supplemental insurance will give you the cash needed to pay for your deductible and co-payments, and in most instances, after you have paid off all of your bills from your delivery and hospital stay, you will have excess cash (we're talking thousands) to use however you wish! The only catch is, you have to have this coverage in place at least 10 months before you deliver your baby. So just to be safe, you should wait to get pregnant at least a couple of months after signing up. We actually applied for this coverage a few years ago, but then had to cancel, because, unbeknownst to us, I was already pregnant with Isaac! So sad. At the same time, we had told some of our friends about it, so they singed up, got pregnant shortly after...and nine months later (after the birth of their son), they got a check for like 7 grand! It really is a no brainer! Everyone should be doing this! If you're interested, let me know (leave a comment or email me at and I can make sure John gets you all the information you need. Plus he will do a much better job of explaining exactly how it works, and discussing which plan would be best for your individual needs and situation. He works in all 50 states, too, so it doesn't really matter where you live.
This really is the best thing since sliced bread...I mean really, what woman doesn't deserve a few extra grand...especially after delivering a baby? :)


  1. I know! He was telling me about it after I was already about 6 months pregnant -- a little too late! Next time though for sure.

  2. I remember you telling me about it a few months ago. I must have completely forgotten about it in the meantime (my mind has been all over the place lately). Darnit, I regret we should have signed up for it. I definitely won't forget about it next time though. You can really tell how wonderful John is and what a hard worker he is. He impresses both Layn and I just from small things we've seen him do.

    Thanks so much for dropping those movies off. That was so thoughtful and now I'll be able to be more entertained while I'm laying around being lazy. I'm really getting cabin fever though! Thanks again for everything Nicole. I love you.

  3. I was just telling someone about it tonight at a shower....and then Rob told me you blogged about it, I may have to put a link to your post up on my blog! It is such a great thing, I just want to tell everyone! I am glad Rob and John have such a great thing for us to tell our girlfriends about!

  4. In a long time when wilson baby #2 is on it's parents mind we will for sure hit john up because there is nothing I hate more than getting hospital bills in the mail and I tell ya what with Boston in the NICU I would have loved some of that because we have put some pretty pennies in those doctors hands.

  5. Wow. I know five women who just recently had babies. They would have loved this. Hospital bills are the worst!

    You're so right about John. He really does put his heart and soul into everything he does. He's so genuine, enthuiastic, helpful, smart and fun. I wish there were more guys like that around. And I love that the two of you are so perfect for each other. Ruby's one lucky kid.

    Earlier in your post, you mentioned not complaining and not saying inappropriate things. I wonder, alot lately, if I sound whiny and if I share too much on my blog. It's the closest thing I have to a journal, and I tend to be really open (perhaps, too open) with how I feel. Like you said, my blog is a place where I can just be myself. Hmm... anyway, I should probably be careful what I say on my blog. Thanks for making me more aware of that.

  6. Nicole, Do you think you could have John email me or my husband, Brady?

    Thanks for the great info!

  7. Ok, I know I am already pregnant, but I do plan on getting pregnant again some day and I am VERY interested! I also think quite a few people in my family would be interested! Please, fill me in!

    And John is a wonderful guy. That word is such an understatement. Jared looks up to him so much!

  8. We almost signed up for that, but we thought I was pregnant, which I'm actually not! John has been so great to drop papers off at our house after work hours...who does that? Kirk is so happy that he switched over to him! It would be so fun to go out with you guys & Amber and Dallas sometime!

  9. We won't need this for a couple years, but I completely intend to call him when the time comes! We had supplemental insurance when we had Max and it SAVED us!

  10. Oops! Too late for us but maybe next time!! I'm glad you guys are doing well and i'm so excited for you and your upcoming new addition next month!! When you come to utah to pick up your little guy you should stop by Nordy's if you have time!! I love you guys and miss you!

  11. Hey Nicole- It's a blast from the past: Shelley (Wright) from highschool! I found your blog on Ranias. I just had to say hello because your blog is so insipring & your family is beautiful! In this crazy "blogging" world it is wonderful to catch up with others you wouldn't have otherwise. Take care!

  12. hi nicole!!
    i have joined the 'blogwagon' as diana calls it...haha
    i have a sister in law who is trying to get pregnant and would be interested in this insurance info... i'm also interested to see what this is about so we can sign up for the future!!
    hope all is well with you.
    i'm so excited for your little guy that will be joining your family so soon!

  13. Hello, I don't know you but I stumbled upon your blog while hopping through other blogs. I would love more information on this insurance. I have really good coverage, but could always use the extra money. My email is (note there is no i in smith) Thanks so much!!
