Wednesday, July 2, 2008

the long awaited...

American Idols Live! 2008 tour debuted last in Arizona!

John gave me tickets for my birthday back in May, so we had to wait awhile, but it was well worth the wait. It was amazing! Each performer (starting with the bottom) sang three songs, and then the top two finalists (the David's) each sang four or five. Throughout the whole show, only two group numbers were performed, which was okay by me...that way each person's unique talent and sound were really showcased. I was amazed at how well everyone did. Seriously, they all sounded AWESOME!

The best part about the night, was that I got to spend it with John. I love spending time like this with him, and I love that he's always planning things for us to do and enjoy together....things that keep our marriage fun and alive.

I regret that I didn't get any good pictures during the sets (we were just too far away), but I did find this on youtube...

That little David...he's just amazing.

I also managed to have a little fun spelling our names in the lights with my camera...

Not too bad, eh?


  1. I'm not a huge Idol fan, but I do love that little Archuletta boy. He really is awesome. How fun that you got to do that!

  2. How fun! And I love the name could totally frame those!

  3. FUN!!! John is so cute with you - what a fun couple you guys are! :) David and Brooke were my favorites this year, for sure! Speaking of idols, I can't wait to see Carrie Underwood when she (finally) comes to Utah. I got the tickets on June 17th for the November 19th concert (talk about waiting a while)! I'm not a big country fan, but Carrie (and Kelly) are my favorite idol winners.

    So, how did you do that light thingy? It looks coolio. :)

  4. danielle,
    i just slowed the shutter speed way down and then spelled out the names with my camera...pretty easy if you have a SLR.

  5. i always love concerts, no matter who's playing they're usually entertaining. glad you guys had a fun night out!
