Tuesday, April 1, 2008

unique healing remedies and antidotes for infection ...

In the hospital, they started treating Ruby's wounds with a 50/50 peroxide/saline solution, followed by a warm compress every four hours. Upon discharge, they briefed us on how to care for her wounds, and sent us home with all the necessary supplies. Her plastic surgeon also instructed us to apply polysporin generously, and repeatedly, throughout the day, to assist in the healing process as well as to prevent further infection. Properly treating her wounds has become a daily ritual for us, and one that I believe Ruby actually anticipates - as weird as that may sound. She really takes these sessions seriously, as we have explained to her that this is her medicine, and that it will help her owies get better. We have also made a big deal of telling her how pretty she is with her medicine on. She was a little apprehensive in the beginning, so I think these frequent assurances really convinced her that her medicine actually did make her pretty. Now, (like I said before), she really looks forward to her treatments - so much so, in fact, that we have caught her - on more than one occasion - doctoring up her face all on her own, and with the use of some uniquely strange remedies and antidotes...

First, I caught her applying giant globs of John's deodorant to her cheek with a q-tip. (Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that one.)

Next, she sneakily got into the top drawer of her changing table, pulled out a jar of Vaseline, and smeared it all over her face with a small bulb syringe.

Finally, and to top them all off, she found an old tube of mascara... and...well...I'll just let you see for yourself what she did with that...

We asked her each time what she was putting on her face...and each time she replied..."it's medicine".


  1. I am so glad to see that she is doing so much better. Tara kept me in the loop as best she could.

    That was hilaarious.

  2. She looks like she's ready for Halloween with all that mascara on her face. Whatever it takes to feel better, Ruby!

  3. That just totally made me smile. I love the things kids do and they really think they are doing what needs to be done. She is so cute and thanks for the smile this morning!

  4. Who knows...maybe mascara works to heal wounds...somebody has to try it.

  5. So cute! I wish I had more pictures of when my kids got into stuff. I need to learn to relax and enjoy the mess sometimes! (:

  6. She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen! That post made my day.

  7. That was really cute. You were really close on my little quiz. All the odd numbered ones were True, and all the even numbered ones are False. You are the closest so far!

  8. She is so funny. She said that the mascara was medicine but I think that at some level she knows what it is and how to use it because she put it all over her eye as well as her cheek. I love Ruby's determination and sweetness.

  9. I just read yesterday about your sweet little girl. I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this! I can't believe she has been so cooperative and is healing so well and quickly. You are truly blessed.

    I love her attempts at self-medication! She is so darling!

  10. Oh my goodness she is so funny. What a cutie. It is great you can laugh about it and get to take pictures too. So many parents would probably get too mad to even think about taking pictures.

  11. I think laughter is the best medicine...and looks like she is doing a good job at that! I love her and I'm glad she is healing so well!

  12. what a fantastic post! ruby just might be onto a new remedy for healing wounds!

    thanks again for watching ava for me this morning!

  13. I just can't say it enough... she is adorable. Even with mascara and vaseline all over her face!

  14. She's so funny! What a fun little girl.

  15. oh man.. hahaha.. she is ADORABLE!!

  16. I laughed out loud at that cute little mascara covered face...priceless!

  17. She looks like a mini KISS band member with those black eyes!! I can't get over how stinkin' cute she is!

  18. That is so cute. she is so smart. They love to do things just like mom and dad do! My fav is the mascara. How in the world did you get it all off? You are a good mom for being so calm about it!

  19. What a smart little girl! You guys are so lucky! The mascara made me laugh--I can't wait until you show her those pictures in 10 years. :)

    Thanks for the hospital info on healing wounds too. Something every mom should know.
