Friday, March 28, 2008

farewell to the "ruby won't go to bed" series...

With Ruby's little mishap, and the hospital stay, and Easter, and New Beginnings (which I was in charge of), and then having family in town...I guess it's safe to say that I'm feeling a little behind on everything. Basically we're in survival mode around here. My house is in shambles, we're swimming in mounds of laundry, and our fridge is completely barren (except for maybe some expired leftovers from two weeks ago). Treading water. That's a good way of putting it. Just treading water. But still as happy as ever. I am not complaining. In fact, I refuse to complain. I have been too richly blessed and would feel so ungrateful if I were to start grumbling over such petty grievances. I guess the point I'm trying to make by all this rambling is that while operating in survival mode, something always has to take the back burner. Logically, in this case, it was the blog. However, with Ruby healing up as remarkably as she is, and with Easter and New Beginnings behind me, I feel like my life is slowly (but surely) returning to the normalcy I have been longing for.

...So finally, what you've all been waiting for, I'm sure, the final episodes of the Ruby won't go to Bed series.

Just a little side note before viewing this next video. Ruby really only knows a handful of animal sounds. Her favorites to imitate are the doggy, the kitty cat, and the monkey. I was sitting in the back seat with her our way to the hospital - just following her encounter with the dog. She had finally calmed down somewhat and was no longer crying, so I was attempting to preoccupy her mind. Not wanting this incident to mar her little psyche, I immediately started talking about doggies. I made the mistake of asking her "Ruby, what does a doggy say?" to which she replied in the most pitiful little whimper, "ouch". Pretty much broke my heart.

And finally, Ruby's send-off to the series...


  1. Wow I couldn't stop laughing at the booger video and how she says "eew". Ty was sitting on my lap while I was watching these videos and loved them too. I think he probably recognizes her from our excursion today. She is so full of personality and so much fun.

    Thank you so much for coming with us to the park today! I'm glad you liked it. We definitely should do these outings together more often. You are such a wonderful and pleasant person to be around Nicole and I'm so glad we've met each other. Can't wait to go again next week!

  2. i've loved the series of videos... they're so fun. no wonder ruby refused to go to bed!

    that booger video had me rolling, i had to watch it twice. silly girl!

  3. Yeah, Nicole, I think the "roll and flick" method must run in the DANA family blood! Or maybe it's just a boy thing! Either way, I hate the flicking part...I mean, WHERE does it land?! Ugh! And she is still too adorable even if she does have a booger on her hand!

  4. Love the booger and the monkey and most of all love that Ruby girl.

  5. I loved the series so much. I wish they wouldn't end. I loved the animal noises. The way she said meow was absolutely adorable! Love you little Ruby!

  6. Hmmm...could this be a new clue in the case of the mystery flicker at the Pitts house years ago???

  7. Those were so cute! She talks so well, wow! Thanks for sharing your cute little daughter.

  8. Oh my gosh! Your Ruby melts me. I was laughing my head off at the monkey impression. And I am SO SORRY about her dog bite! I can't imagine how scary. So glad to see she is healing well.

  9. Can this girl be any more adorable and loveable! She's just too irresistable. I just want to reach out through the computer screen and give her a great big hug!

    That booger video is hysterical. Too funny. And the monkey impression was classic.

    I've been thinking a lot about Ruby since I heard what happened, and have been praying for her. It just makes my heart ache knowing what she's been through. Please keep us posted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. PS: I have an old friend from high school who volunteers at an orphange in Korea. I don't know if you'd consider international adoption, but I asked her to do some research for me about ANY birth mothers.

  11. such fun videos, i don't think i would want to go to bed either if i was having that much fun.

    Ruby is such a little doll!
