Monday, March 10, 2008

it hurts...

We have gotten into some bad habits around our house of late. I've actually been wondering if I should stop putting Ruby down for a nap during the day; because when her bed time rolls around, she never appears to be the least bit tired. And if we do try to put her down at a reasonable hour (like before 10:00), she absolutely throws a fit. She'll stand in her bed and scream for us to come back in and get her. We usually allow her to cry for a few minutes, but not for too long because for every minute that passes- her hysteria escalates. So we don't feel like we can just ignore it...she'd seriously carry on 'til she was blue in the face. Most nights we end up going in and getting her, and then placing her in her usual spot on the couch, where she'll lie and watch TV with us (perfectly content), until she finally falls asleep. If we are lucky enough to get her to fall asleep in her crib, almost inevitably she ends up wide awake again after just an hour or two. Once again, she just screams and cries until either of us goes in to get her. Such was the case the other night. We had put her down somewhere around 8:00, and at about 10:30, we heard her in her room...absolutely hysterical! John went to get her and brought her to bed with us where she was completely wired for the next hour or two! You see the habit that is forming? She knows if she cries long, hard, and loud enough...that we'll buckle under the pressure and relieve her from her "miserable" state. I don't know what to do anymore other than maybe do away with her nap altogether so that come bed time, there isn't a place she'd rather go to more than her very own crib...?

Anyway, the other night she was being so cute and funny, I couldn't resist the urge to break out the camcorder and capture some of her charm on film. Before I knew it, I had been filming for 20 minutes straight! I will not be posting the raw version, but I will enlighten you with some of the highlights. Throughout the course of our conversations with her, it was imperative that we knew about the little sore on her hurts.

So here's the beginning of the Ruby Won't Go To Bed series...


  1. She talks so well Nicole! I can't wait till Ty can speak that well. She is such a doll. Everyone should be so lucky to have a sweet little Ruby.

  2. Oh my goodness, she is the CUTEST ever!!!! I am so impressed by how well she talks, and she's not even two yet. Wow! I thought that was hilarious when she said "John". Lol. She's got the funnest personality and cutest little voice. She's PRECIOUS!

  3. PS: I hope your boo-boo gets better soon, RubyRoo!

  4. Poor Ruby, just can't get over that little sore on her foot. At least she's not crying about it! She's so funny!

  5. that is so cute. the little doll.. Ty went through a stage where he would cry for us to come get him, but they i tried this and it seems to help. When you first lay her in her crib, sit next to it, and put your hand through the bars and lightly tap the mattress letting her know its time to lay down, while you say its okay its time for bed. Just keep telling her its time for bed, the first night it might take a little while, but try it. the next night try not to talk to her as much, or just tap the bed. then the next night a little less talking... and so on... then after a 3 or 4 days of that try sitting a little further away from the crib, and just tell her a few times its time for bed, and to lay down... each night after that try to move a little closer to the door until you can just lay her down and sit outside the door, then you should get to the point of layer her down saying goodnight and walking away!
    Its hard, and it took ty a while to learn to do it, but that was my fault because i would always put him to sleep, but now its easier, some nights he will still cry a little but we just tell him we love him, and he goes and gets back in his bed... I don't know if you were asking or advice, but its something we tried, and it seemed to be a little less painful for all of us.

  6. What happened to our awesome little sleepers? All I can say is Bennett had better change his habits in about 6 months or less or I may go crazy!

  7. She is so cute. I love how little kids obsess over their owee's (sp?). I can't wait for the next installment.

  8. Too cute Nicole! I am so glad I found your blog. It gives me a chance to get to know you and your cute family better! Hope all is well with you guys and that tonight is a better night!

  9. She is so cute, she talks so well. How old is she? I think she is close to Porter's age. How cute, don't you love when they just repeat everything. I am glad that Porter is not the only kid to do that. She is starting young to gets sores from shoes. I guess that is a girl thing. I hope she gets better soon! Sorry about her crying, I know how that goes, Porter did it for awhile too because I let him. We put him in a big boy bed and now he sleeps just fine again. I think he just was telling us he was trough with his crib.

  10. She is so sweet! Anistyn thinks she needs a bandaid for every bump and bruise, so we need a budget just for bandaids! (:

  11. All I can say is... SOOOOOO darling! She is so sweet! We are thinking about you guys during this time! Love you!

  12. So funny ... talk about a one-track mind! Love that she says "John." Gretta used to say, "Hey Mike! Wait!" all the time. Tell her we all hope her foot feels better soon.

  13. Ethan use to be the same way too. I finally had to give up his naps when he was 22 months old because he would drive us nuts at night. Ruby is so cute and she talks so well for her age. It is so funny how kids just can't get one simple idea out of their head and will just keep repeating themselves. I love it!

  14. who wants to sleep when mom and dad are up having fun? we've had our ups and downs with ava's nighttime routine as well and i'm not looking forward to getting her in a toddler bed. i prefer her in her cage... 'er, i mean crib.

    ava always calls her daddy by his first name. especially after i say it, she'll say "bryce!" it cracks us up!

  15. Try reading "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child".
    It has saved us many times. The guy has an answer for every person and every situation.

  16. I feel your pain!! As I type Baylee is sleeping on the couch for her nap because she is so sure a monster is in her room!! It's been a good 2 weeks and we can't seem to get that monster to disappear!
