Friday, February 8, 2008

chefs ava and ruby...

It's been so fun for me to watch the transformation that has taken place in Ruby. A few months back, she couldn't have cared less about having friends. We have had several opportunities to watch different girls around Ruby's age, but it hasn't been until recently that she has become very fond of the idea of having a playmate...other than herself.

Today we had Ruby's friend Ava over while her mom went to a Dr. appointment. Ruby and Ava developed a cute little friendship a couple of weeks ago when Ruby went over to their house to play. Ever Since then, Ruby's face literally lights up whenever she sees Ava...even if it's just through a picture displayed on her mom's blog.

Today the two of them helped me bake cookies...

And watched some Baby Signing Time...

(look at both of them fully enthralled...each with a finger in her mouth)

They even helped me clean up in the kitchen afterwards...

Ava came over for a second time today with her parents, and as they were leaving, Ruby threw one of the worst tantrums I've ever witnessed. She was completely inconsolable for a good 10 to 15 minutes.

Well anyway, I think it's safe to say that Ruby loves her little friends.


  1. So cute! It's so fun when their personalities and opinions start to show like that! And those aprons are darling!

  2. They are so cute. They are going to be awesome playmates.

  3. such cute pictures, nicole! i'm so glad they're becoming such good friends, it makes it so much easier! thank you again for watching her for me, she looks like she had so much fun.

    i'll have to show her this post later, she'll love it!

  4. How fun. That is always fun when your little ones start playing with friends. Ruby is such a doll! And I love the pictures of her on the potty. Priceless!

  5. HOw fun! It is sooo cute to see the little ones playing together! Those cookies that they made were delicious!!!! They are amazing cooks!

  6. Seriously how cute are they together?! It is so great to have friends or family that have children around the same age as your own!
