Thursday, January 24, 2008

i'm trying to be like Jesus...

Ruby just melts my heart. Literally, on a daily basis, she melts my heart. Although she is very busy, and active, and in to everything...I'm still just loving this stage because she is actually beginning to grasp and comprehend things. She's really loving books lately. She has this particular board book called I'm trying to be like Jesus, which, basically, is nothing more than the lyrics to the primary song (sharing the same title) - put to pictures. This book just happens to be one of Ruby's favorites, mainly - I think, because of the illustrations. Whenever I read it to her, I sing the words to the song as we turn the pages, and look at the pictures together.

Yesterday when Ruby woke up from her nap, I heard her in her crib singing softly to herself, "I twying...wike Jesus". I couldn't believe it, but was loving every minute of it (while standing outside her door) as she repeated the same line several times.

I know that my little Ruby knows her Savior. We as her parents have testimonies of the Lord's divinity, but (at least I, as her mother) really cannot take credit for her budding testimony. She just knows her Savior. She spots Him everywhere. She'll point him out in pictures and paintings, she lights up if there is a bust of Christ, or a christus in the room. And sometimes she'll even say "Jesus", out of the blue, with no tangible evidence of Him in sight. Evidence to me that the veil is very thin. These are the moments I love and cherish...for it is in midst of these, that I realize just how close our Savior really is. A lesson I learned from my 19 month old, angel-daughter.


  1. That is so sweet. I love it when they understand what you are trying to teach them. Thanks Ruby helping us all to remember we need to be more like Jesus. You little ones just teach us big ones so much!

  2. She really is a sweetie and you do a lot to foster her testimony. This Christmas when we watched Luke 2 at the Dana Christmas party was the first time that George had ever seen it and he totally loved it. He just kept asking to watch the "Jesus Show" and watched it five times at the party.

  3. Ruby IS, indeed, an angel. Of course she knows the Savior - her parents are such good examples and teach her everyday about Him.

    Plus, it wasn't too long ago that Ruby was with Jesus. So, part of her still remembers.

    I really believe the main reason babies cannot talk when they're born, is because they would tell us ALL about the Celestial Kingdom. And, since we're here on Earth to prove ourselves and prepare ourselves to return to the Celestial Kingdom, they can't tell us too much about it quite yet. However, children have a remarkable way of "telling" us about it just by their examples of faith, love, and obedience.

    How precious that little Ruby girl is, I just love her!!!! I have thought about that video of her pointing to the pictures of Jesus a lot lately as I'm trying to figure out my own self worth (amidst the loss of a beloved friend, and many other difficult trials/mistakes/events/etc.). Oddly enough, that little girl's love for the Savior has been such a testimony-builder for me.

    Watch... she'll be a future General Primary President someday! :)

  4. precious! i love the sweet tender spirts our children have. they teach us so much, don't they?

  5. I just love your posts. All of them. I think each post I read of yours i cry. thank you for sharing your stories.

  6. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard Nicole. What a sweetheart of a daughter you have. We have that same book and I love it too. Looks like you are enjoying your lens. Great pictures. If you have the same lens I do you must be loving it!

    Yes, Layn and I will be there on Saturday night. We are really looking forward to it.

    Isn't it amazing the things kids can teach us adults?

  7. Nicole, your posts about Ruby make me want to have a little Ruby of my own! She is precious!

  8. While part of her just knows, I think you have probably taught her a lot. She's so lucky to have you as parents. What a sweetie!

  9. She is so cute I think her testimony has been built alot by the example you and John show her. You guys are amazing parents and I look up to you and am going to try to be as good of a mom as you are.

  10. Nicole! That is so adorable. I hope that you can record her little sweet voice singing! What a darling little angel. I think our children teach us some of the most important lessons in life! Thanks for sharing your sweet little story.

  11. Nicole, I found your page through Camille and was curious to see how you and you family are doing. Your Ruby is so adorable! I love the picture of her with her book! It is truly amazing how much children can understand about Jesus at such a young age.

  12. So darling! What a little sweetheart! As usual, love your post. Looks like you are enjoying that new lens!

  13. Can babies be prophets? I think Ruby is a prophet. Oh, can girls be prophets?

  14. This is just the sweetest little story ever! What a little angel....quite literally!
