Monday, November 12, 2007

day one...

As I mentioned before, after we arrived at my dad's house, we were only able to sleep about three hours or so. After we got up and got ready for the day, we decided to pay Grandma Judy a visit at school. She works only a couple of blocks away from my dad's house, and happened to be on her lunch break when we got there. We hadn't told her that we had decided to drive straight through, so she wasn't even expecting us until later that afternoon or evening. She was pleasantly surprised to see us, and spent the next half hour or so snuggling with Ruby. It was the cutest thing to witness. As soon as she picked her up, Ruby pressed her cheek up against Grandma Judy's, and literally remained in that position the entire time. She sure loves her Grandparents.

From there we drove to Orem to see Carol and John, and their new baby, Mark. I am still just so happy that they were able to adopt this little guy. He is just perfect, and the light of his parent's lives.

It's impossible to be in Orem without making a stop in Nordstrom. For that's the very place John and I first laid eyed on each other...and shortly after, fell in love. Well, I guess that's not really the reason we stop in. We go so that we can reconnect with all of our Nordstrom friends!

Brittany and Karissa - my bp friends

Dan - our friend from women's shoes

We then made a stop at David and Leigh's, and enjoyed a nice visit with them and their adorable children.


Jayce and Ruby really took to each other!

Bryce playing the drums.

And then to Paul and Amy's...



And if you think that was the end of it, you're wrong. We then met up with John's family at the Bonsai Japanese Steakhouse to celebrate David's Birthday!

Singing Happy Birthday!

Paul - ready for the shrimp catch

John, Nicole, Amy, Paul, David, Scott, Judy

And then it was home sweet home. We arrived back at my dad's just as Aaron and Dorothy were getting in from Boston. We spent the rest of the night visiting with them and just hanging with the family.


  1. Love the picture of Jayce and Ruby. And Paul is hilarious!

  2. Nicole!
    You guys are so cute! It really was SO good to see you guys!! I made me remember how much i love you, and what a great time we have had together! I look up to you so much and you really have no idea how great of an influence you have been on my life!! You are such an inspiration to me!! Thanks for everything!

  3. Brandi,
    It's called the Bonsai Japanese Steakouse and it's in Sandy utah.

  4. it's only day one and i'm already exhausted for you! could you possibly cram one more event in that day? and on only 3 hours of sleep!

  5. That sounds like one busy day! You guys are troopers. I'm sure you had a blast visiting everyone! You are so sweet!
