Tuesday, October 30, 2007

a little "rae" of sunshine...

That's what we've been calling her ever since she was a little girl. Rachel truly is a light to all who know her. I'm proud to call her my sister, and I want to wish her a Happy 21st Birthday!

21 of my favorite things about Rachel...

1) She is so pretty; and her bright, beautiful, perfect smile, can illuminate an entire room.

2) She loves to sing, and has a beautiful voice. Just this last Sunday in Sacrament Meeting, she and Angie, along with two other friends, sang a moving rendition of I need thee every hour. They had perfect harmony, sounded like Angels, and moved many to tears.
3) She's been dancing ever since she was a little girl. She mainly enjoys clogging and has amazing talent.

4) She also loves dancing and listening to 80's music. I feel proud to have introduced her to one of her all time favorites...this one's for you Rae!

5) Rachel loves to laugh. She can find humor in almost anything; and has an exuberant, hearty laugh.
6) She is a very hard worker, and doesn't give up...even when things get really tough. Two summers ago she worked as a CNA in a nursing home. Her job description required her to do some pretty disgusting (not to mention nauseating) things. I honestly didn't think she'd last more than a few days. She stuck with it the entire summer! Rachel hasn't ceased to amaze me in this aspect.
7) When all of us sisters decided to train for, and compete in a half marathon, Rachel ended up being the only one possessing enough dedication and will power to make that dream become a reality.
8) Something kind of funny. Rachel loves onions. She will dispute this til she's blue in the face...but I swear, what I am about to tell you is true. One day I walked into the kitchen to find Rachel taking a giant bite out of a whole onion, as if it were a juicy red delicious apple.
9) Rachel is a peacemaker. Everyone in our family would agree - growing up, she was acknowledged as the peacemaker in our home.
10) Rachel loves going to concerts. She's been known to travel far and wide to see her favorite bands perform.
11) She has a lot of friends, and is a very loyal friend. Two of her very best friends have been her friends since they were barely old enough to walk and talk.
12) Rachel is a natural leader. She served in many leadership capacities in high school including class officer, as well as a student body officer her senior year. This past summer she had the rare opportunity of leading hundreds of 12 and 13 year old girls as a counselor at Oakcrest, a summer camp for girls.
13) She has completed two years of college at Utah State University, and is a loyal Aggies fan.
14) She would like to become a nurse.
15) Rachel has the most beautiful olive skin. We used to all lay out together, and it always took the rest of us hours to achieve what Rachel could get in 15 minutes - and that was a completely gorgeous, beautifully golden tan. It always made me so mad.
16) Rachel is a daddy's girl.

17) She is loved and admired by many, including her two younger (and two older) sisters, who look up to her in so many ways.

18) She also has many male admirers - a few of whom are nearing the end of their missions, and I'm sure will be heartbroken to come home and find out that she did not wait...but rather decided to serve a mission of her own.

19) She likes to have fun and be goofy. The other night we were putting away all of left over food from her open house, when she grabbed a giant pumpkin cookie and smashed it on me. Yes, I did get her back, and yes, it turned into a cookie fight.
20) She loves going to movies, or renting one to watch at home with the family. In fact, as I write this, I happen to know that the family is home watching a movie in celebration of Rachel's birthday.
21) She loves the Lord and has a pure testimony of His gospel. Just this last Sunday she shared these sentiments with her ward congregation. The Spirit was so pronounced as she testified, that I honestly don't believe there were many dry eyes in the room.

Rae, I'm so proud of you. I'm proud of you for the righteous choices you've made in your life. Especially for the decision to serve a mission. 21 is the age that the world finally accepts and acknowledges you as an adult. It's the legal drinking age, and the age that you can gamble and party. Sadly, these are the things that many people look forward to upon turning 21. But not you. Here you are, on your 21st birthday, counting down the days (only 7 to go) until you will become a full time missionary for the Lord, and be able to count yourself one of His personal representatives. You definitely stand out from the rest, and honestly, I couldn't be more proud.

Happy Birthday...my little "Rae" of sunshine!


  1. Thank you Nicole for paying such a beautiful tribute to your sister after having spent the entire day driving back home from Utah. Your efforts have made each of us who have been honored by one of your birthday tributes feel special; but this one involved a lot of sacrifice (when you were undoubtedly exhausted). I love you!

  2. Nickers!!!!! Thank you so much! That really meant the world to me. I know you must have been so exhausted and you still managed to do that sweet tribute on my Birthday! I LOVED it! I seriously laughed so hard when I saw that music video! I remember cruisin in your car back in the day with that song blasting! oh and by the way, I did NOT take a bite out of an onion. ha ha I love you nickers. Thanks again!

  3. i've never met your family, yet i find myself loving them... is that weird?

  4. You know, I honestly thought that was Ruby in the top picture until I read on. They totally look alike! Lucky Ruby. You and your sisters are all so beautiful.

  5. You really are such a sweet sweet sister! I always love your tributes to people! So thought out and so sincere, and so fun to read!

  6. LOL. I was going to say that the first picture looked just like Ruby, but someone else said it before me.

    Seriously, though, that baby picture of Rachel looks sooo much like little Ruby Girl.

    Nicole, reading the birthday tributes you write for your siblings makes me realize that I really missed out on having a sister. You are such a good person with a giant heart!

  7. What a sweet tribute to your sister. I'm sure you had such a fun weekend with your cute family. Congratulations to Rachel! It sounds like she will be a wonderful sister missionary!
