Wednesday, October 3, 2007

10 years...

After high school graduation, many of us ask ourselves where will I be in 10 years? What will I be doing with my life? Will I be married? Will I have children? Will I be successful? Will I be happy?
We went to John's 10 year high school reunion this past weekend. Because they moved to Utah right before their junior year, John and Scott weren't able to finish high school with the friends they grew up with. So when they heard about Tunderbird's class of '97 reunion, there was no question - they were going to be there!
It was fun for me to see their excitement as we exited the freeway, and drove along the roads which took us to the country club, the place they would go to shoot off fireworks while people dined on fine cuisine. I enjoyed listening to their commentaries about so and so's house, or the fast food restaurants they frequented, or the places of their friends' employment.
It was so fun to see the reaction of their classmates, most of whom hadn't seen them in over 12 years. Not many recognized them at first, especially Scott, who hit a growth spurt (and sprouted like 6 inches) his senior year of high school. It was so fun for me to see John and Scott in their element with all their childhood friends. Looking back, reminiscing, reviewing the past, remembering all the good times. I loved the opportunity it gave me to become more connected with my husband, as pieces of his childhood and adolescence unfolded before me...
I loved being able to finally put faces with names, as John and Scott have shared countless stories with me over the years. I met the girl whom Scott had always had a crush on (and who ironically - 12 years later, appeared to reciprocate those same feelings for him). I got to meet the boy who's greetings were always followed by a punch, which motion we have been imitating for years. I met the boy that saluted everyone with a "Hey Bro", and the one who peed his pants in art class. I even learned that there's a real live "Scooter"...ah ha! - the derivation of John's nick name for Scott. I finally got to meet "Funky Komadina", the girl whom they called "Snausages"... and the aspiring NBA Superstar.
...And then to see what they had all become, the lives they had created for themselves. The doctor, the dentist, the five star chef. The insurance broker, the contractor, the teacher, the law student...
It was fun for me to watch John and Scott become reacquainted with their peers of so long ago, and to share in their successes of today. I'm proud of both of them for the things they have accomplished these past 10 years. For all that they have taught me. For the men they have become, for the lives that they live, for the good examples they set, for the happiness they exude, and for the standards they uphold.
Can't wait to see what the next 10 will bring...


  1. No. The picture was not of us at the reunion, but was taken like 5 years ago at a UVSC dance. Sad that I don't really have anything more recent:(

  2. What a fun night!! I went to my 10 year back in June and it was crazy to see everyone and how classmates were now doctors, dentists, etc. I guess in my mind we are all still 17 year olds!

  3. Such fun times, I'm glad you went!

  4. You look way hott in the pic :) I wasn't brave enough to go to my 10 year (besides I was super prego with George) but maybe my 20 year.

  5. i was just going to ask when that first pic was taken... thanks for already answering it.

    i love your narratives of events, sounds like you had a fun evening.

  6. I wish I would have gone to high school with John and Scott. We had way too much fun at UVSC (i.e. flipping dead goldfish at people).

  7. Was that the President's Scholarship Ball 2002? I remember that dance, partly because I competed in Miss UVSC that year and the contestants sat at a special table. I also remember dancing with the Wolverine.

    Anyway, Julie's right - we all had so much fun with John and Scott, ASUVSC, and SAA.

    To be really honest, the very very first time I saw Scott I thought "Hey, that guy's kinda cute." HA! I don't think I EVER told him or John that (shhhh!)

    I love how you and John have such a history (a good one) together. So many memories. Ruby is going to LOVE hearing about all your stories.

  8. Sounds like so much fun! I'm sure you had a great time. Cute picture -you guys haven't changed a bit! Forever young -right:)!

  9. Hee Hee...isn't is such a fun experience to hear the stories and then see the characters...I love to try to see if I can guess who is is before I actually know...I bet I could find the Hey Bro guy in under three guesses ;D

  10. I love your descriptions of the friends and experiences you had at the reunion. It reminded me of years ago as I watched two brothers growing up together, best friends, having such a great time with their family and friends. Thank you for this post. I could just picture the fun time you all had that evening.
