Saturday, September 22, 2007

"no! no! no!"...

she adamantly protests, as I attempt to hand-feed her, small, apportioned amounts of food. My little Ruby has reached the stage of Independence. She refuses to eat, even her favorite things, if anyone else tries to feed them to her!

Okay little missy, if you must have it your way...

After she finished her banana, she started on the peel...

Drinking her sippy - with 3 pacifiers in hand...

Eating her corn - from the end of the cob...

Her attempt at holding a fork...

and finally, eating her apple...core and all!


  1. She's such a cutie! I think they only get more independent from here on out!

  2. I have missed watching your blogs for awhile. Life has been too busy, but tonight I enjoyed all the pictures and comments. It was so fun and I feel so happy and blessed. Ruby's independence is very intertaining in pictures. She looks so cute.

  3. HA ha ha!! oh my goodness.. im laughing sooo hard! that is the cutest darn thing ever! Were coming up next weekend for my birthday!! Cant wait to see you three at church! I would say.. lets go to dinner but Celeste is going to be gone and I think we have a family dinner that sat night...

    next time?!?

  4. Ruby is so cute. It is so fun just to hang with your kids and be entertained by each other every once in a while. I usually enjoy it when Paul is out of town, though, I am always gratful when he gets home. I love the apple pic. That is how George still eats apples but I have never gotten a pic. That is priceless.

  5. She is so cute! I'm so glad you've been able to capture all these funny Ruby-isms as she does them. Cutie!

  6. Oh my word! Miss Independant is so adorable!

  7. Nicole! I love it!! Your blog is wonderful and your thoughts are a joy to read. It's so fun to watch little Ruby grow!
    Much love,

  8. This girl is just too cute for words. Not only is she beautiful (I love how her blonde hair flips out), but she's got such a FUN personality.

    She's going to treasure these pictures!

  9. She's a hoot! I can't wait to see her at Rachel's farewell! (Can't wait to see you and John, either...:-)

    I love you all!

  10. so funny! sometimes we have to take the backseat and let them eat those banana peels, don't we?
