Monday, August 27, 2007

the "mom of the year" award goes to...

The other day I opened some mail from Scholastic, and found this lovely certificate, awarded to John, in honor and recognition of the wonderful mother that he is to Ruby! We got a good laugh over that one. I mean, c'mon scholastic, how many mothers do you know with a name like John?
Even though this was an obvious mistake on their part, and provided us with some great laughs, in all reality and seriousness, it rings true in a lot of ways. John is just an amazing individual. He is loving, and nurturing, gentle, and kind. He cooks, and cleans, and shops, and does laundry...all of those "mom" chores, (I guess you could call them).
This past week, Ruby came down with a scary case of the croup, in which her breathing became almost completely obstructed. After a thorough check-up, the doctor sent me to pick up a few prescriptions, and also ordered a nebulizer to be delivered to our house. John has seriously been so cute and affectionate while caretaking and nurturing our sick little one...every morning volunteering to be the one to hold her while she gets her breathing treatment.
Last night he made dinner for us, and afterwards, was the first to jump up and start cleaning, sending me away to go play with Ruby. I'm sure there was nothing more he wanted, then to be able to play with his daughter, but he selflessly allowed me the opportunity...while he cleaned and took care of the dishes.
These things really are everyday occurrences. (I just don't document them often enough...but really should). John truly is an affectionate, comforting, devoted, gentle, loving, nurturing, protective, selfless, sympathetic, tender, and warm individual (don't those sound like motherly qualities?)...thus making him a very deserving recipient of this award...albeit a great mother award!


  1. Nice certificate! That's totally funny, but like you said, nice all the same. I love seeing cute dad's with their kids, but there's something especially wonderful about them with their daughters. Ruby is a lucky girl!

    BTW, that first picture you took is gorgeous!

  2. That little Ruby is SO lucky! I love to read your blog Nicole! We miss you guys! I hope Ruby gets better soon...

  3. Oh, so sad! I know how that is! Lucky you get the nebulizer! I hope she gets better soon!

  4. What a good daddy you are John! And I am so sorry to hear about little Ruby, but I am glad that she is getting help to make her more comfortable! I hope it wont last too long. The pictures are so cute of John and Ruby! What a great family you guys are!

  5. John is definetly deserving of wonderful mom award! But I must say my dad is a psychologist and he has always said you marry what you deserve. And from reading your blog and seeing the kind of person you are it sounds like you truly deserve John. John you are an adorable dad! Ruby is so lucky to have such incredible parents.

    It's no wonder that Isaac wanted to spend his short minutes of life with you guys!

  6. Seems each parent gets to spend some time sharing the responsibilities of his/her counterpart (at least, if he/she is a good parent). Some day you might have to sand a Pinewood Derby car or help with merit badges, etc.; and, I know you'll be wonderful. Already you are an incredible mom and John's an incredible dad; and, Ruby's a very blessed little girl!

  7. Congratulations on your award, John! That's hilarious. Nicole and Ruby are lucky girls!

  8. That is just adorable! I love the award and think it should be made into a shirt so he can wear it and show it off!

  9. Your description of John is so true, and it also fits you, Nicole. Your pictures are so sweet.
    Ruby's hair looks beautiful!

  10. loved, loved this post! i laughed so hard when i saw that award, although by the end of the post my eyes started to moisten while you talked of what a wonderful dad (or mom) john is.

    great photo of ruby reaching for her daddy's open arms.

  11. That is hilarious! But so true - you have such a good husband - what a wonderful father he is to little Ruby! He deserves the "best mom of the year" award!

  12. hahaha... that is a great story! John is so great! Im sorry about Ruby! hope everything is well with you three...

    love you guys
