Tuesday, July 24, 2007

my new toy!

After saving up for some time now, (and with a little help from my sweet husband), I was finally able to purchase a new camera! I'll be the first to admit, I know nothing about photography...but this is something in which I've always had an interest, and can't wait to dive in and learn everything there is to know.
John took us out to lunch today. (To celebrate the 24th, which doesn't mean a thing to anyone here; but since I'm from Utah, and knew everyone back home would be celebrating with BBQ's and fireworks, John surprised me with our own little BBQ. He took me to an outdoor grill - where we ordered potato salad, sodas, fruit, and cheeseburgers...he's such a kind, and thoughtful husband!)
While we were eating, I managed to snap a few shots of Ruby...


  1. Oh man is she cute. I love her cheeks. Good luck with your new camera.

  2. I love photography too! I want to take classes! The pictures are adorable!

  3. I am so glad you finally got your camera! You're a natural. Also, tell John that he so sweet and thanks for taking such great care of my friend! He is gold!

  4. I think you're catching on already...and it doesn't hurt that you have a gorgeous little subject!

  5. You are way good. What camara did you end up getting and what settings did you have applied in those photos? I am seriously jealous as I have never been able to take a really good pic with my expensive camara :)

  6. Amy, I have the same camera as you (the canon rebel)...just the latest version (XTi). Don't you have the XT?
    Are you kidding? I don't know a thing about the manual settings yet...it's all so confusing to me. I just shot in automatic, on the portrait setting. So anyway, my point is, there was nothing to it. You could do it just as well...

  7. love it! you know i'm jealous.

  8. Is this child the CUTEST little girl on the planet, or what?! Ruby - you're going to be a heartbreaker; all the boys will fall over themselves for you!

  9. Those pics look great, Nicole. A nice camera helps, but you still have to have a good eye for stuff, so it looks like you're well on your way. It is confusing though, I agree, which is why after months of having our camera, I've only just barely started trying out the manual stuff. It's definitely nice having digital to play around with though. We have a nice conventional (film) SLR that we've had for years and I never learned much because I didn't want to waste film.

  10. Look at those cheeks! Don't you just want to bite them?
