Sunday, July 22, 2007

ava and ruby...

After talking about it for weeks, my friend Diana and I finally got our girls together, and went to the community pool not far from where we live. Yes, we do have a pool right here in our neighborhood, but it's not the best for really small children. First of all, there's not much shade, and unless you have some sort of floaty or tube for your child (which we do, but have to practically force Ruby to get in), you end up having to hold him/her the entire time. Diana and I decided to try out the outdoor pool at the local junior high...ideal for small children, mainly because of the zero depth entrance. It ended up being a lot of fun, and a perfect chance for my friend and I to talk...(in between chasing the girls, that is). Ruby was very curious about testing the deeper waters, and exhibited no fear or reservation upon doing so (poor Diana, Ruby scared her to death a few fact you can read all about what happened on her blog...I love reading her take on the whole thing). So anyway, other than struggling to keep up with my fearless 13 month old, and other than the fact that she scratched the heck out of my favorite sunglasses, we had a really good time, and yes, Diana, we'd love to do it again!

little ava...

and ruby roo.


  1. I love taking my kids on adventures. I can't believe how brave Ruby is or that she knows how to hold her breath under water. Did you teach her or does she just do it? We are going to a water park in an hour so stayed tuned for an update.

  2. I just kind of started dunking her under quickly to see how she would react. When I could see that she didn't freak out, and that she could actually hold her breath, I started keeping her under a bit longer, as I drag her through the water...She does awesome!

  3. There has got to be something in that Arizona water!...I thought it was just the good genes of John and you, but apparently all the little girls in Arizona are adoreable...I definitely need to move there to ensure by children are gorgeous like yours and your girlfriends.

  4. Ava and Ruby are bound to be heartbreakers!

  5. yes, let's do it again! i wish there were more shade around the pool since ava refused to wear her hat. oh well, they had fun, right? i think they close the pool to the public at the end of this month so let me know if you wanna try to go one more time before they close.

  6. That picture is so cute, I can hardly stand it!!! I am glad you are enjoying the water activities.

  7. Nicole, it is Mary, from the ward, I found you through Diana's blog! Cute bolg! Your pictures are adorable, little Ava and Ruby are sooo precious!

  8. I'm impressed that she likes to go under water! Last summer, Gretta was much better with water than this summer. Sort of weird, so hopefully she gets her sea legs back soon. Speaking of legs, I LOVE Ruby's squishy little legs! So cute!

  9. I just read about your interests and saw that you love the movie Love Actually.....I LOVE THAT MOVIE! My sister in law and I are obssesed with it! I just love it, love it, love it!

  10. They are so stinkn cute! I love rubys swimsuit

  11. I'm SO glad little Ruby wears a sun hat! (You know, this kid has got cuter swim and sun gear than I do!)
